Is working as a Lifeguard, a wonderful job for gays?! Hehehe.
Here are some of the perks of working as a Lifeguard!
- You get to wear skimpy swimming trunk most of time. Meaning - The egoistical satisfaction that you'll get from showing off your Rock Hard body or even enormous "package" is too orgasmic for you to resist!
- You get to watch handsome hunks swimming and prancing around in their swimtrunks "OPENLY" - and mind you, it's not SPYING that we're talking about here!
- If you're lucky enough, so happens that a handsome hunk is in trouble, you get to offer your "kind" assistance in various "forms" to ensure that the hunk is safe & sound.
- If the handsome hunk had a muscle pull while he's swimming, you get to run towards the pool ( "ala Baywatch - Pamela Anderson's running pose! ) with all the people at the pool looking & cherishing your wonderful, running body -- before "skinny-dipping" into the water and wrapping the handsome hunk around your enormous biceps & triceps - pulling him safely from the water.
- Furthermore, since the handsome hunk is already in a state of shock, you get to hug and help him with his walking, before "laying" him on the ground! - If you're smart enough - You can pretend to accidentally trip & fall on-top of the sexy beast's body! - Who knows, you might get an unwarranted kiss as well?!!! - Hehe.
- If the handsome hunk is still unconscious, you might want to give him a "Mouth-To-Mouth" CPR Rescue before it's too late! - However, you can also try to do that even if he's conscious and feeling a lil' dazed! - He can't SUE you for trying to save his life, right? - Or can he?!! - Haha...It's A Gamble that you need to take especially when if you are confident that the pay-off is more than pleasurable!
- If the handsome hunk is still feeling a little stressed out from the shock experience....You get to give him a free massage to sooth his body as well as helping him to relax and regain his composure! WHo doesn't love a good massage, you tell me?! Even for the masseur, which is you yourself, who can consider yourself lucky for getting to feel the body of a handsome hunk that some of us might never even have the chance to do so in our lifetime!!!
- If you saw any "reaction" from below, you can slowly move your hands towards the region and pretend to accidentally stroke the "region" while swerving your hands. If there's no objections from the Handsome Hunk, you can slowly pull down his trunk and, voila - you get to perform your "Magic" on him!!!
So guys! Do you want to be a LIFEGUARD then?!!!!
Talking about lifeguard as well, i remember i used to love watching BAYWATCH, way back in the early 1990's, when i'm still naive about gay issues and the era of my 2-3 inches period! Hehehe.
How nice when you were young -- When you watch these kinda movies, you don't even think about all the sexual connoctations affiliated with it because you are too yound and naive to know about all that. And you watch just because the movie is interesting and the actions manages to capture your attention instead of the dangling boobies as well as crotches?!!
So, just for old time sake, this is David Chokachi, one of the original actors in Baywatch and looking very sexy indeed in the below pictures.....
Muacks from Simon Lover &
Have a wonderful weekend!