Hmmm...What does Enrique has to do with this post?....I shall write about him later.... Hehehe
Ooh...I wanna hug u!.... Sigh...Lately i have been up and down from the town whr i'm currently working & staying in for three weekends in a row! Wah, Very tiring! The nearest big city is 150 km away and it takes about 2 hours...The radio connection is very poor whr i can only receive a few malay stations and the only English radio station is TraxxFm ( previously known as Radio4 ). As for those who can't afford Astro..u are lucky enough to get RTM1 & RTM2, provided the weather is fine. ( Ironically, the RTM Transmission Tower & Center is located abt 10km away only...Wow...Malaysia Boleh kan?...) So, one lovely morning, i decided to take some pics of my JOURNEY to the CENTER of MALAYSIA ( in no particular order...)

Wah...The look of the long road ahead has already scared many potential replacements for me...Mind u, Tis is only just the beginning.....
Road hog-gers...I dun mind driving safely bt to drive at 40-60 kmph definitely make someone to go crazy! I can forgive tis car though as u can see it's an old car...Whn i looked over, it's driven by an old men. But wat is unforgivable is cars which have been modified into ala-sports car with big exhaust pipe but driving at 60 kmph! WTF?! =)
Jeng Jeng Jeng...The Gateway To The Center of Malaysia -- It's like entering into "The Mist"( a movie by M.Night Syamalan )...Well, for us, it's just a common scenario....
After entering The MIST...On a good, clear sunny day, u can the hills in the background...U need to switch on your car lights just like what we do whn it rains heavily...
U are entering an unknown area...There might be spirits behind those MIST...Drive at your own risk...Muahahaha... Hehehe...And now for the sexy Enrique!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Though i mentioned about the poor radio reception, but once i reach the's back to normal. so, there was i...Listening to the radio...1 sexy voice caught my attention...And without a doubt, from that easily recognisable sexy voice...i knew it was
Enrique Iglesias....Hehehe..His latest song.."
Takin' Back My Love" feat Ciara it an upbeat and danceable tune that easily hooks u up. It has been a long hiatus for the 34 yo Spanish-Latino hunk. ( for those who has never heard about him, u can
wikipedia him here...)...Without further a due, i present to u...The Sexy Enrique Iglesias!
(Sorry that most of the pics a more cliche as most website has the same pics...hopefully i can search for more )
Aiseh! If just he lowered his pants more! U are leaving it for us to fantasized!
*Note -- Anna Kournikova has her bikinis on in the original pic...But i decided to post tis pic bcuz i think it looks sexier...Hehehe
Very pandai pose hor he....Sexy chest! His trademark mole near his mouth has been removed in 2003 though...
Even Black & White Pics gives Justice to the sexy body of Enrique!
Enrique getting cheeky...Look at his chest!!!! So lickable! Yikes!And these are the stills taken from his music video "Somebody's Me"...How i wish i was the lucky gal in that video..

Hehe...Very "inviting" pose....Do u think he has the versatility whn he's in "action"? Hehe..
If just i get more shirtless or Enrique-exposed pics! But it's ok....
However, later in the late evening on the very same day, i'm "TAKIN' BACK MY LOVE" of Enrique for THIS GUY below!!!!!!!!!! ( Hehehe....after watching TVB's Heart Of Greed" on tv....U see how promiscuous am i..!!! Haik )
Raymond Lam Fung ( Muacks Muacks )A sexy actor from Hong Kong.
( Can't find shirtless pic of him...He look nicer in-motion and on tv compared to pictures....While watching him, every move he made, even just a simple smile with his dimple, u'll just go wahhh......I WANT HIM!!! ....And all i want is to give him a MUACK from SIMON! Love....
where is that misty place?
Froggi, stay focus!!! there are picture os Enrique and you interested to know abt the misty place?!! piak!
Fable Frog : Aiyo..Cnt tell whr isit lor..Must remain anonymous!Unless u email me personally lor..hehehe
Paul J : Thanks for spanking froggie! He deserves it! =)
Was it somewhere along the "east-west highway" up north connecting Perak and Kelantan? :o
You like Lam Fung? Not my cup of tea though. Hehehe... I like Kenneth Ma 马国明.
Hide & Seek: Hehehe...The place shall remain anonymous lor..All i can say dat it's in the center of Malaysia! =)
Calvin : I still prefer Lam Fung over Kenneth Ma...More handsome ma..Ooze with sex appeal summore..Dun angry meh? =)
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