

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Price To Pay For Leaving My Comfort Zone!

It's been a long time since I've last logged on the internet...The main reason is because I've started my new job ( there's no internet at all in my office! ) and I don't have internet in my home as well! --- Waking up at 6.30am and reaching back home at 8.00pm nearly everyday including weekends certainly made me very tired indeed compared to my 5 minutes walk to the office previously.

Once I'm back home, I don't even feel like moving my body around at all and the Horny BF, instead of being concerned, complained that I'm paying less attention on him! - I don't even wanna talk about that at all! *Horny BF - Hmm. That's such a one-sided story lor!!! =_=

Anyway..Not much to report from my side. It's been very routine indeed. The other day I was listening to 89.9BFM: The Business Radio Station on 1 December, they were interviewing a guy, by the name of Eric Chow, who's living with HIV in conjunction of  the World AIDS Day. At first he was telling how he went to the Testing Center and how he got infected when he was just 17-18yo/raging hormones....before the DJ played the choices of his songs which comprises mainly of DIVAs as well as mentioning the word MSM ( men-sex-men )....That really caught my attention and I switched the radio louder. As he was about to tell the story of how he "came out" to his parents about his homosexuality and his HIV...I was actually minutes away from reaching my house! --- But I wanted to listen to the story, so I purposely drove one big round away before going back home! But, kudos should be given to him for being very brave and courageous in moving on with his life at the moment and I feel very sad to hear that he got infected at a young age of 17years old..and he's now only abt 23-24yo...where he has a long way to go more! -- All the best to him!....

As for me..I think my brain is not functioning very well at the moment...Imagine working on a Sunday!! -- And I'm blogging at The Horny BF's new rented room in the house owned by an equally sexy STUD?......And tomorrow I will continue my crusade of selling more morning-after-pills ( pills that prevent contraception after the girl had unprotected sex with da BF ) --- I tell you, some of the girls are damn hot and sexy...and all my mind could think of is the wild sex they had with their "equally" sexy boyfriends the night before!!!!!!!! -- ! - Behave, Simon Lover! ---


  1. It's heart-warming to hear how you're helping improve public health. :P

  2. Haha....Well, it's better for Malaysians to have more kids ma..Who knows, the babies might grow up and increase the population of gays in Malaysia - leh?!
