

Sunday, November 28, 2010

No More Tarzan Boy - Farewell, Far-Far-Away-Land!

Today has been a very hectic day for me. After working in the morning, i rushed back home to do some laundry, had a quick lunch, before proceeding back to my office to ---- PACK MY BELONGINGS ---! Yes, I know.....I'm the King Of Procrastination! --- Tomorrow will be my LAST DAY at work in FAR-FAR-AWAY-LAND ----- after working & living here for 3 Years & 3 Months! --- Mind you, for those flamboyant, shaggedelic, sex-craze gay boys; 3 years of living in a land where the most handsome Guy besides you comes from the Orang Asli ( The Negrito/Semai Natives ) is like calling them to go to hell! - But courageously enough, Simon Lover managed to endure this kind of lifestyle over the years, albeit a little ups and downs as well.

No matter how much I dislike my Far-Far-Away-Land, the place have given me many memories worth remembering as well. I hate reminiscing the old times because I don't like the sad feeling conjured by it...thus, I've unwillingly became Simon Lover, The Heart Of Steel....I hate packing as well! ---- Why? Because I'm a HOARDER! I like to keep things....While I'm packing, I'll read through all the things before throwing it away...Today, the things, even from 2007, are still there! -- That's why it took me two hours to sort out my documents and papers because I need to go through thoroughly before asking my staff to shred the papers...Things which had sexual/gay connoctations scribblings/ISA and other Top Secret files, need to be obliterated on-the-spot!

When I first came here, I was all alone. Rented a room in a shophouse where the entire floor is empty. Everytime I sleep, I'll leave the living room lights on to facilitate me going to the toilet during middle of the night. There was once I needed to take something which is located at the 3rd floor...I'll tell you....Unless you have the balls of Brad Pitt, going up the eerie flight of stairs and a floor darker that the Dark Force does challenges one's balls! ....Slowly,I shifted to a new place; new colleagues and friends came in...and the birth of a new era of The Great Far-Far-Away-Land Gang...before slowly disintegrating into today's sad state where two original gang members ( including me ) are left to fend ourselves. With me leaving now, I do hope the best for my beloved housemate to get his greener pastures soon too.

Working in Far-Far-Away-Land is not bad either because I get to visit the Horny BF quite frequent as well, compared to the Land Of Diamond Bay, where I've worked earlier. Meetings, Courses, Trainings -- I'll stay over at the Horny BF's place since he's working in my HQ's Big-Big-Town. And now that both of us are relocating to the Capital Of Malaysia's Sexy-Flamboyant-Gay-Divas-&-Studs'-Land.....I do hope the best in our relationship as well as careers!

Tomorrow will be another day of packing......But not without a string of treats ( Belanja ) as well....I'll have a mini farewell "jamuan" ( Brunch ) in my office of 30 people; before proceeding to the dinner treat that consists nearly 20 people of mostly gossipy aunties & uncles, landlord, as well as colleagues.

Eventhough I'm officially retired from being the Tarzan Boy of Far-Far-Away-Land, I do hope I'll have a new beginning going back to Klang Valley after being away for 8 long years ( including my university days )! -- By then, The Horny BF will be worried of me being another kind of "Wild Tarzan Boy" instead....especially where the company I'm working with, has another colleague who happens to be my ex-senior colleague from Far-Far-Away-Land, whom I've slept together before on the same bed ( No SEX, seriously! ) and my gaydar was so bad that I couldn't even detect his love/lust over me after he surprisingly confessed his love for me a few years back! Yikes! ----- I better control my flirtiness by then!

With that, Simon Lover signing off from Far-Far-Away-Land and shall welcome Living-With-THE-MUM-Land in two days time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------Helppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Welcome back. Now your mum can poke-poke and guess what is in your eBay packages.

  2. wild tarzan boy indeed! lol

    dont cry ya tmrw..have a gud farewell..

  3. Tarzan? More like monkey escape from tied strings..:P

  4. hmmm...The Negrito/Semai Natives ? guess that just gav away where this far far land is.....
    anyway, welcome back to civilization ...
    btw... is a interesting blog u hv here, pretty much enjoy reading.

  5. @William: U lar! Always dun want to share with me ur address....Kheksei.

    @SZ: Come and wild together with u ya! Muacks.

    @Nicky: Ahem...I think both of us are qualified to be named like that lor...Hehe

    @Anonymous: Thanks. If the natives are Bumis fr Sabah/Swak..I wouldn't mind bathing naked in the river with them - geh...Bt the Negritos..I feel I'm "over-exposed" pulak! Hehe

  6. Hey Horny BF, if you are concerned about wild Tarzan boy, I suggest you invest in some chastity gear from the local (ha) bondage shop - perhaps a leather locking butt plug harness or some other device to lock him securely front and back. Just google bondage gear and worry no more. - Ian

  7. It may be no more Tarzan Boy but it's still a very sexy, perky butt!! So nice to see you wearing a jockstrap :-)

  8. @Arun: Thanks!

    @Ian:I prefer the whipping belt instead!

    @Rob: I have more actually! Hehe

    @Takashi: Thanks!

  9. @Simon: I wanna see !!!!
