

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Gay Couple Holding Hands In Public! - Part 1

( Not exactly updated, just edited the title to Part 1 nia since i "might" post a Part II...Hahahaha )
From the topic itself, i'm sure you guys know what i'm going to write about....

The famous Beijing Chinese couple, J.Law and Kirio....

Last weekend, i was window shopping'ing with the Horny BF in Pavilion's Parkson, when suddenly, there's a Cute Chinese Hunky Couple walked past us...( Or rather, the entire crowd kot )...nonchalantly, publicly holding and swinging their hands while chatting away happily, disregarding the fact that not only us, but the entire crowd  actually turned their heads and stared @ them before they happily disappeared off through the escalator.

Adam Lambert with his ex- .... Who would not love Adam Lambert leh?!! - It's the BF's loss anyway...

For me, it's actually very cute, looking at them, bold enough to hold each other's hand in public while me & the Horny BF could only watched in envy. ( Or rather my hands was actually busy browsing thru the clothes on display? Hehehe ). It takes alot of courage for gay couples to "pak tor" openly without the fear of any backlash they might get.I can still remember the look of the aunties & Malay shoppers frowning at it and children jiggling away, saying " lou" ( in cantonese )....

They look cute don't they?! =)

For me & the Horny BF, the thought of holding hands in public does not even exist in our vocabulary because, even a simple normal window shopping or "lepak'king" in public, is considered a very STRESSFUL activity for us to indulge in!!! -- This is especially so, everytime when i visit the Horny BF's hometown @ vice versa. The fear & pressure of getting seen by our friends and juniors is very difficult for us to bear even though we were just caught walking around in shopping centres or eating together nia, without any fancy or gay-inclination gestures. Each time when we bumped into someone we knows, the opposite person will always sarcastically say, "Eh, so happy 'pak tor' ah?" -- Or we will be the gossips of the week, yet again! Mainly because of the Fact that, " How can two handsome guys, be so good friends and coincidentally, both are still SINGLE leh?!!! -- They must have some hanky-panky relationship ler!! "

 J.Law ironing his pants in Undies! I prefer him over Kirio. Ooze with sex appeal! Hehehe

Kirio in his cute pose.
U can actually google them or visit their blog :

Well. sometimes when we think back...It's our life anyway. We should live the life we like without bothering too much of this nonsensical pressures from  the homophobic humans anyway. But then, the Question is, still, ARE WE READY TO HOLD HANDS & COME OUT OF THE CLOSET IN THE PUBLIC YET?!! -- Hmmmm.......Muacks From Simon lar....


  1. The last guy I dated was the sweetest.

    We held hands, cuddled VERY closely to each other when we watched movies in the cinema. So close that it drew attention from people around us, but we didn't care. We just enjoyed each other's company. We'd sneak holding hands whenever we went out, either in restaurants or walking about in the mall. He'd lean on me every time we took the escalator and I didn't care. This is me and this is how we roll =)

    Question: Why are you both so discreet? Got into trouble in the past?

  2. Well, one can never be too careful these days. You dunno who might be watching... but.... my BF always holds my hand when he thinks the coast is clear, but it even happens in MV at times, so I dunno how "clear" that is! Can always steal kisses at quiter places ma. :)

  3. I am! Don't really need to be in a relationship to hold hands actually. I'd hold hands with any friend who wants to. What's wrong with that anyway? Narrow-minded people can go f**k themselves. I've had enough of them.

  4. hehee two of u also handsome? that one need photo so substantiate the claim de :P
    i think when i was with my ex-es we did curi curi hold hand in public, it felt weird yet romantic kekeee...
    and the strange thing is, when i hold hand with common frens in crowded places, im not worried at all :)
    next time try to go to more gay friendly places, such as starbucks etc, and u can actually feed him cakes there openly, me and my frens did that, and its safe :P

  5. Simon, you are sooooo modest! lolz

    I think I know which couple it is. They are femes and hv been doing that for a long time dy. I dunno if they are making a bold statement, but the bastards-in-blue can give a couple-holding-hands trouble if they want to cari makan, since the act is illegal here.

  6. This post really sadden me. I mean the fact that people are still just so narrow minded and judgemental to the extend of imposing our values on others. Even in USA, I am afraid it is still frowned on. Funny thing guys notice that the BANGLADESHIS and PAKISTANIS actually love to hold each other! oops...I mean, hands, each other hands! Even while walking in public. That is part of their cultural ler.

    To curi curi love someone is so hard right? I have friends who are very happy in Europe.

    In Malaysia, every darn thing you do also WRONG.Susah lah.

    It is funny you know. We couples , as in man and woman, do not often hold hands but you guys want to but are frowned upon. Susah lah.

    You guys take care ok.

    Do what is WISE for yourself and your love. BDW, it is fun to curi curi romantic! lol


  7. Hmmm... i think the most openly affection moment was holding hands at the Cameron Highlands night market... and I believe my dear spotted some fellas looking at us... daring but definitely very fun to do that...

  8. Stealing kisses in the elevator. Holding hands in the night market was really memorable. There was this young lad with a pink umbrella on his bag lookin at us in disbelief. LOL! He looks cute BTW! hahaha! pink umbrella... so gay!

  9. one of my ex used to hold my hand when we walk around the shopping mall,but nt around KL there of course..i was the one who still feel shy to do tat on public hehe.. and hold my hand through whole movie in cinema, dunno got ppl notice or nt haha..

    maybe tats all depends on whether we are openly gay or not

  10. oh dear, I did that too leh. But just for few seconds. LOL, luckily I just did that for few seconds, coz I EASILY bump into my friends in KL. I don't know why. Anywhere.... Pavillion, ONE U, Sungei Wang, Timesquare. I really wonder this world is too small or what? O_O~

    Anyway, it's REALLY sweet. :P
    For your final statement, I dare you WON'T do that FOREVER.

  11. *BLUSHES* You had just made Cleffairy blush, and that is very, very rare. Erm... I am not sure if women are welcome here... lol...

    I tink... I better go off now... spare me roses in my cheek...

    How the hell did I end up here anyway. *groan* so much hot men wan....

  12. it really takes courage to come out in open. like you, my exes did not have the courage to hold my hands in public. so i cannot comment much >_<

  13. ahheemm....."How can two handsome guys, be so good friends and coincidentally, both are still SINGLE leh!!??"...err.... >.>

    well...i believe in any of the public places we can see girls holding hand and walking around..if they can do that? why can we? next time you see 2 girls holding hand and walking say lah "eeee...lesbian"..hahah..

  14. It's nothing wrong holding your partner hands in public but then I think deeply, I realised that we in Malaysia lol.....WTF...>.<

  15. always holding hands, no matter what :)

  16. in public, my (ex)bf used to put his arm around my shoulder last time as a gesture of affection lor... it was sweet. in the movies, he would hold my hand very openly, and would even nuzzle his face to mine, like kiss lor.... i was admittedly quite conservative and asked him to stop! but haiz, most of the while i just give in... so nice mah...... :P

    also i must say that there are many places in kuala lumpur where PLU can BE THEMSELVES without the ill judgement of narrow minded people. contemporary culture events, theatre places like KLPAC, and art galleries (most noticeably the which is run by PLU) are really great places.... a lot of PLU-themed screenings, plays, and programmes like 'seksualiti merdeka'...

    when i bring my (ex)bf to these places, i would introduce him as 'my partner' or 'my boyfriend' and nobody would bat an eye :) kl actually has many liberal people lor, but it is indeed hard to find these in a mall like pavilion :P

  17. We hold pinky fingers playfully in the mall.. or hand over waist/shoulder other times..

    I think the KL people in general are more receptive towards guy-guy togetherness than anywhere else, and hence, nobody give a damn second look..

    I have more people busybody telling me i cannot smoke (at parking lots) more often than people coming to tell me i cannot hold hands (actually, nobody done that before! hahaahah)

  18. Yey, me agreed with Evann.. you can hold hands with anyone anywhere and dun need to give a fuck thought abt it..

    so evann, wont u hold mine too? haaha....

  19. Wah...So many long comments. I also duno hw to reply..Hahaha..Wait for Part II lar. Muacks!

    @Takashi & Evann: No flirting over here k. Hahaha

    @Cleffairy: Haha. Am i supposed to be d one in blushes gt a lady reading my explicit blog? Hahaha..Thanks

  20. @Mark: Nt that we purposely be discreet, jz that my job profession does nt compromise this kinda "thingy" lor. Hahaha. Unless i'm into fashion, beauty, events, PR,design,etc job. Hahaha

    @William: MV in MIdvalley or movie? Oooh. Or u mean his hands on ur "mid-valley" or the valley trail leading to the ...? Hehehehe

    @Evann: Wah. Means nxtm if u reli meet u in real person, u'll gonna hold my hands immediately? Wah..very scandalous leh?! Hehehehe

    @HappyGoLucky: Hahaha.If u hv facebook then ma can justify lor. Hehe

    @Gratitude: That's the way i am. Shy little old boy.

    @Shakira: You sounded like u hv experience in "curi-curi" antics ler..Hehehe. Mind to share?

    @Pikey & Bear: Hahaha. Now, this is what we need. A photo to substantiate that someone is paktor'ing @the moment lor?!!!!!

    SZ: Why i u rarely mentioned abt him one?! Hmmmm.....

    @Freedom: Hahaha. U r a superstar wor.Of cuz alot of ppl knows u! Heheheh =P

    @Enduring Lv: Hahaha. We hv nvr hold hands in a public crowd b4 ler. Haha. The most of whn the coast is clear & dark nia. Haha

    @Paul J: Hahaha. I also duno why, bt when i see 2 gals holding hands, i myself also go.."eee....". Hahaha. Ironic hor

    @Nicky: Yup. Wat 2do. Unless we are Pakistanis just like what Shakira says. Hahahaha. No offence to anyone k.

    @Andy: We do, bt most of the time @home or in bed nia.

    @JK: cute! =)

    @Takashi: Huh? U smokes? Oh!.."Kao fan" jor lor...Minus minus minus...I dun like kissing ppl with cigarette breath ler!...Hehehe

  21. ler. After my divorce , I was with a younger Malay chap. You know how Malaysia is right? So,whats the point of PAK TOR if cannot even hold hands in public? Only in cinema , can do stuffs. So when he asked me to marry him, I refused lor and he went to

    I am old fashioned too but I like to be cosy and lovey dovey


  22. Midvalley la! But in movies and plays sure also will hold hands. :D. Valley and trails... LOLz

  23. It's a dillema for all gays in a conservative society like ours.

    My opinion- if you have a partner just flaunt it, don't worry bout nothing.

  24. *sigh* What the hell am I doing in your blog so early in the morning is beyond my comprehension. I was expecting some steamy updates. LOL...(you must be thinking... what a horny woman!)

    Anyway, Simon, thank you for your faboulous tips. Especially the... err... fingernail caress. You are right. Fingernails are lethal weapon. I somehow experimented...and my husband wondered what the hell has gotten into me. *let's not go into that*

    I learn a lot from your blog. Especially about men. I used to shun people who are homosexual, but after reading your blog, I should not discriminate. Does it matter that one is not attracted to the opposite sex? I dun tink it mattered, and the society should respect that. Who can understand love, anyway. i am surely still learning to understand love, anyway. :-D

  25. @Gratitude...not only that act is. Do you know that kissing your spouse in public is also illegal here in Malaysia? KANASAI... i kissed my husband once in public once... and that fucker in blue came to saman us worr... celaka ahhh... I was so mad!!!!!! Fuck up place Malaysia is! Grrrr!

  26. my breath very wangi one.. always carry a bottle of mint with me in my bag, one bottle in the car, one bottle in the office..

    i dont smell of cigg, seriously.. nobody expects me to smoke..

    and hmm.. im not flirting with evann :P ^_^ Innocent geh.. hor evann? hehehe...
