

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Elusive Gay-Beach Tanning Session?!!

Simon Lover will be away for another 1 week ( yet again?!! ). So, this few days had been very hectic cuz i need to finish most of my work before i'm away for hols. Sometimes i get frustrated with my organization, with a 200+ strong staff, yet the only one who knows how to do the proper paper procedures left only me alone ( as my organization has a fast turnover rate of staff and due to the fact that we are located in a far far away peaceful-land, most of the staff's attitude towards work are a lil' more on the relaxing side - hahaha! i have 2admit too, i'm slowly becoming more & more like them! Hence, you can see why i'm quite "busy" tis few days...Hahahahahaha )

Me will be goin' to a Beach Island yet again. But i'm not putting any high hopes of getting any tan, yet again as i'm going with a bunch of straight girls ( who are notorious for being a "puteri lilin" ) and guys. It will be harder for me & the Horny BF to sneak out and have some fun @ Nite ( Just like back in Bangkok ) cuz we are sharing with our straight Boyfriends too....

Hence, you can understand why the title of "Elusive Tanning Session" for today! I can foresee that this trip, my Aqux or Arena speedos won't get to see the light either & any hopes of the Horny BF pouring and rubbing the tanning lotion on me will only be in my dreams lor......

The only time i had some satisfying tanning session ( besides @swimming pool - Kelana Jaya anyone or Sg's YioChuKang/Katong/RedHill? Hehehehe - That was way back circa 2004-2005 lor!! --- Hahaha. I can still remember, back in 2004, i had an intensive tanning session ( Not shower sex! ) with the Horny BF @ Singapore's Redhill & Yio Chu Kang pool -- I had the nicest tanline at that time  - Only for me to kena "CHICKEN POX" and had to be self-quarantined @ home for TWO-WEEKS! Khek sei!!! By that time, the tan was a lil' faded ady & the idea of parading my glorious tan turned out to be a false hope cuz i still need to recuperate from all the small scars on my body and even BUTTOCKS, which took months for it to heal!!!! ) - was the man-made beach in Singapore's Sentosa Island lor.

Till then, Muacks from Simon Lover & See you guys NEXT WEEK ( No scheduled sexy guys post either cuz of time constraints but anyone who wants Singapore's Jake Ng Ming Han's "sexy" pics - finally i had quite a collection of it, thanks to Rob, Ian, Will & Eric - you can PM me...Hahahahaha )

Imagine lying half-naked & listening to ur Ipod?!! while the gays are spying on u?!!! Hehehe - Gays spying on Dominic? Lucas? "Sotong" Boy? Big Dove? Bear Bear? - Ces't La Vie Boys! Spying is a normal thing for gays!

  Imagine u r in that position and suddenly u felt something "moving" all over your body? Hmmmm....Andy Andy or isit Nicky Nicky or isit Jerry Jerry or isit all 3-in-1 leh?!! Marky Mark, we have a problem!
Arena swim trunks anyone?!! - Why can't they sell that in Malaysia instead of the conventional black leh?! - U tell me Strictly "Sexy" Calvin?!! Why the suppliers dun have the "Heart" to satisfy the gay clientele just like Heart KL?!!!

Enjoying the summer.......Just like Ten Chunk hittin to the beach while the sexy Anonymous Ian, busy pretending reading a novel, but in reality, his eyes were scanning around...Hehehehe 

with a bunch of gay friends...........Me, Horny BF and who shall be the 3rd party leh?!!! Hmm....The Happy Go Lucky One?! Kinky!

 and CAMWHORING as well.....Just like William The Aussiebum lover...and Derek, fuming looking at the horny Willy, enticing the guys to come over!

and doing silly poses just like Paul J and Simon's favorite jumping poses!! ... If we can't jump, then we can just do the Frog pose instead lor!

 while leaving this task to Takashi/Pluboy to pose instead.....or shall we not underestimate Shakira's sexy hips that never lies?!!!

 or daydreaming and thinking when will Evann's skin tone will be as tanned as the cutie above...
( or rather Little Sen Sen's skin tone? Hahaha...Or Evann will be just as fair as ever, just like how E-10 likes in his real men! Hahahahaha --- You know whom i'm referring to! )


  1. A tribute of sorts to the gay bloggers? Hehe.

    You're extremely notti and funny. ^_^

  2. COOL pictures and dedications to bloggers! Phew! You missed me!lol
    Have a great week.
    We shall be missing you.

  3. AND THEN I THOUGHT i would never be mentioned!! hahahaaha... mana tau leave second last to me.. lost to Evann tim.!!

    kek sei!!!


  4. Stop taking hols with the Horny BF and straight friends - do you enjoy this sexual frustration? Do some planning, get on a plane and come to Sydney for the mardi gras. Hot weather, hot beaches, hot men. Just lock the Horny One in a chastity belt first. Or vice versa. - Sexy (ha ha) Ian

    PS I have good eye drops for my eye strain.

  5. tan tan tan... SK2 whitening products are so not buying us... hahaha...

    hmm... really really good pics but too bad I am at the uni's library ATM! people all around me giving me some stares ady... hahahaha!

  6. Wa wa wa! I don't entice guys to come over k! They do it on their own accord. :P. Anyway, really hope you'll get to do some tanning this time.... hugs! Enjoy!

  7. eee. I'm not thaaat fair lor. We need to meet up so you can be the judge of that yourself. ;P

    But yea, maybe I could use with a bit of tanning too... Ha!

  8. ish... now the whole world know that i like to b the third party liao! hmmph... how am i supposed to find a decent bf with this kinda rapport KHEK SEI! lolll.. anyway pls enjoy ur holiday ok. well u guys can always sneak out and have some fun, and imagine the thrills (from being kena tangkap basah)... opppsss this is HOT! kekeee

  9. my skin tone? is tat a compliment or nt?hahah..

  10. LOL, nice one =)

    Don't get too frustrated. Haven't you heard of delayed gratification? Hold off until you both REALLY can get together. Then, things....ermmm 'stuff' will be exploding everywhere XD

    Btw, you forgot me T.T

  11. After seeing all those sexy boys tanning on the beach in their speedos its such a shame to hear you won't be tanning you perky butt while you are on holiday. An AQUX tan line on your sweet ass would be hot ;-)

  12. tank cute for your truely greeties. :P have loads of fun then :P

  13. @Evann: who said u r not fair? I reported that even Snow White who's supposed to be the fairest of them all, has committed suicide when she find out there's you who's fairer than the fairest!!!


    Yeah, we should do a tanning trip to some exotic beaches together!!! ahhaaha...

  14. Evann prefers the nudist beaches in Aussie... manalah nak pergi dengan us..

  15. i feel honored that I was mentioned. :)

  16. others spying on me eh... :) i like the thought of that...
    but more likely its the other way round... :P i luv a good eye candy.

    lol, evann might turn red instead of dark... like all the fair skinned caucasians...??? :P

  17. love your funny posts! nv fail to make me laugh.
    erm whr do i pm u at?

  18. Yeah...that would my hands all over your body and Horny BF too lol.....wuahahahahaha...XD

  19. ISH! Tak aci! I don't cruise! :P (cheh, tipu!)

  20. Big Dove: No lar, saja kacau only cuz no mood to write anything.

    Shakira & William: Yay! I'm back too! Albeit a lil' darker nia.

    Takashi & Evann: Wow, ur body also lose to Evann ah!!! Then Evann must be a super-hunky stud lor!!!

    Ian: Hahaha. Erm. I'm just afraid that my hole is not up to the challenge from the sexy Aussies ler!!!! Yikes! Hehe

    Bravebear: Uni's library's ATM? Noti-noti. Bt me also used to surf surf abit of hanky panky sites back then too.

    Happy Go Lucky One: Wei, u always see on tv, usually the 3rd party is always very sexy & handsome one. SO, it's sort of a compliment to you too...Hehehehe. Dun angry ya!

    SZ: U r as cute & sexy as ever ya! Muacks!

    Mark: Got ah...U are Marky Mark ma. Hehe

    Rob: Haha. I'll email some of the Jake Ng's pics to you too ya! Maucks.

    Koala!: OMG! So long din hear from u ady! Miss you too! Erm..Paiseh bt i din mention u inside wor or isit u hv another name? Haik! So sorry! U were one of the earliest ppl to leave a comment in my blog. Hw can i forget u leh?!! Muack muacks!

    Heart KL: Who wouldn't miss the sexy Heart KL leh? And i presume that some of the pics the blog are yours truly too? Hehehehehe. Share share ma

    Lucas: Everyone loves spying!

    Anonymous: Mind leaving ur name nextm so i can get to know u more k! Muacks

    Nicky05: My hands can't wait for ur body too!!!!!

    Ces't La Vie: Oh..So, u like kena cruised instead eh. Now i know 1 more of ur dark secrets. Hehehe. Noti noti.
