

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Welcome Back Simon Lover!

Hey Hey....Pardon for the long hiatus!!!...As i was away in Bangkok for 1 week...And i'm currently self-quarantin'ing myself for 2 days only ( though i know it should be 7 days, but so far so good, hopefully...)...The fear of H1N1 had us putting on our face mask in the airport and in the plane...And also non-stop hand hygiene practice with the ever"reliable?"-- Dettol hand disinfectant?....

But other than that, we roamed freely shopping till our backbone ached, blinding our eyes with non-stop lengchai Thai Boys everywhere, eating till like there's no tomorrow....well, sounds abit exaggerating hor { hahaha..."fai si" later people comment saying i'm arrogant pulak...FYI, for those who knows me personally, i'm actually a very humble person ...Maybe the way i like to express myself in a dramatic or even theatrical way made me sound abit of showing off?!!! -- Is it? -- Well, if anyone of u guys felt offended with the way i write, please tell me!!! I won't be so "small-hearted" ( kecil hati in Malay or "siu hei" in Cantonese)....I will take it as a good advice to improve myself... }

Didn't manage to blog / surf the net much...The first place i stayed doesn't have internet while the second place, there was only 1 computer and the monitor was facing the reception counter...Hehehe...So how to blog leh?...

The World Of Bangkok is always fascinating! It's nice to just sit in the open space in front of Central World, watching Thai lengchais in Skinny Jeans walking by...Or even eating by the roadside, experiencing the cuisine of the regular Thai citizens...Or even joining the masses in praying at the Four-Faced Buddha...Or even trying to determine / detect whether which Thai guy is GAY because i can assure you, our gaydar is completely useless whn u r in Thailand because every Thai Guy speaks Thai Language in a soft, sissy, well-mannered way that make it SO-SO-SO difficult to detect one!!! Aiyo!!!

Though i went with a bunch of straight gals & guys, but me & the Horny BF managed to slip under their nose and went to a Gay Agogo Bar & a Gay Disco...Well, as most of u guys would have expected...hehehe..i shall explain more explicitly of those two events in my next post lor!!!
Well, for tonight, there'll be no sexy pics to post because i'm currently blogging in a inappropriate area =P....And so...Muacks to all my readers, Sincerely...From Simon Lover! Nite - Nite

A pic of DJ Station Disco...

A pic of Silom Soi 2 where the many many gay agogo bars are located in....


  1. haha... So funny when you said you are very humble person... Puji sendiri..

    Where got people praise themselves? though i am la.. haha..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. H1N1 is terrible, but dunt worry about it too much. enjoy ur journey!

  4. scotty: haha...paiseh paiseh lor... =)

    ten chunk: well, i did enjoyed the trip eighty-percently though...haha..minus 20% cuz goin with straight ppl =P
