

Friday, July 24, 2009

Malaysia's Top 50 PLU Blogs -- Top 41-50

Hey hey...I shall skip my post on Bangkok first...I had wanted to blog about this topic since last week d...So i might as well finish it off first lor....

So, Malaysia's Top 50 PLU Blog!....Hmm..That's interesting..Actually there are many ways / parameters to determine a blog's ranking in the cyber world. To make it easier, i just use The Alexa Ranking Tool to roughly determine the most popular PLU blog in Malaysia at the moment. Of course, by using just one Ranking Tool seems a bit biased lor....But what to do...At least i was kind enough to do a research on nearly 200 malaysian PLU blogs out there before finalizing it into Top 50...There are no specific criteria to make it into the list...Some of it are in Mandarin, Bahasa Malaysia but mostly are in English...Some of it focuses more on sexy pictures only but the majority blogs about their personal life...The most important criteria is that it is written by a Malaysian or even ex-Malaysians. The Alexa Ranking is not perfect either. Some blogs had a higher ranking in other countries compared in Malaysia...That is why, sometimes they dun make it into the list, as i have mentioned earlier, i only focus on their rankings in Malaysia....

So, without further a due, let's bring' em on...Malaysia's Top 50 PLU Blogs ( as of 13-19 July 2009 ) ---We shall start from Number 41 to 50!!!!

41) Freedom Gaydom ( )

42) 幸福 1988 ( )

43) Luna Maze ( )

44) --- Deleted on the request by the owner ---

45) Treading A Fine Line Between Being A Saint And A Sinner ( )

46) A Life Within Another Life ( )

47) Ad Infinitum ( )

48) 口水の日记 ( )

49) Running Waters ( )

50) Ichi's Blog ( )

Once again....The list is actually based on Alexa's findings...There may be some errors, or omittance as i had mentioned earlier, i went thru nearly 200 PLU blogs...So, i might have missed out some or many blogs too....And also..certain blogs which are very popular and it is written by Malaysian PLU's too but i had to omit them because their blog is more "serious"& "straight" ( or in Cantonese "jeng keng") where they blog abt tech, photography, food which i dun think it's quit suitable to our theme....

Finally, please dun get offended by the list as it is just a personal finding from my side of view and if there is any blogs that u guys want me to check out or i have missed it, do inform me ya! Muacks From Simon Lover!


  1. I feel blush on my face when I see my own in the rank #41. Do you mind to share how you got the rank from? I am curious. Again, thanks for the honour and I salute what you've done. ;) First time visit. Have a great day.

  2. Thanks for the info. :)

    Freedom, you owe us a meal! :P

  3. LOL, Anton, why I owe you? :P I thought you don't visit my blog, hahaha.

  4. Freedom09: Haha, actually i just search thru alexa website only..Though it's nt 100% accurate lar..Hope u won't mind ya! Manatau u are actually higher ranking?!!! =) Cheers.

    Gratitude: Haha...If ur blog is open to everyone, thn i may gauge ur blog also ma =P....In ur case, invited readers only...Alexa cnt determine =)..Cheers!

  5. Good list to find good reads...

  6. A good job. expecting from 1 to 40...

  7. William: Haha...The next post will not be featuring you again.... =P

    Ten Chunk: Wasted u r from Canada...Came & migrate to Malaysia? =P Cheers!
