

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mosquito Bites!...

Finally back from a hectic trip of Qing Ming, Teluk Intan, Ipoh & Cameron Highlands in the last few days. Currently so not in the mood of working =). So today's post will be a short and simple one okay..

Before that, just want you guys to ponder abit on the questions below...
a) Have u guys ever wonder how long and strong is the mosquito's stinger?
b) Have u guys ever get irritated by mosquito bites?
c) Have u guys ever bitten before by a mosquito especially in the butt?

Well, take a look at this picture...
Imagine...A person who is wearing a short khaki pants and also a tight boxer brief but still unable to escape from the wrath of a mosquito sting! If a person who is walking or lying around in the nude, well, that, we can say much about it lar...But, a fully clothed person?!...Some more on a fully protected area! Well...If is destined to be bitten, all we can do is just apply Mopiko and wait for it to subside lor...Apa boleh buat...Me and my partner always kena. It's like a magnet to them.

So guys, have u ever suffer from the same fate as us before? Be it a mosquito or even an insect bite, i'm sure everyone hates the itchiness and also the temporary disfiguring of your sexy bottom that may cost you getting hitched with a lengchai!Now, that is really "Ouch"!

Cheers from Simon!


  1. urgh! fleas bites are like 50 times worse than mosquitoes bites! The scar will last for months! MONTHS!!!!

  2. Really?!Yikes! Imagine a scar over there!!..... =)
