

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Taking A Break...Qing Ming...

I've been quite busy of late and a thousand apologies for not updating my blog. Currently i'm back in my hometown and the internet line here is still a dial-up! Hehe...Well, only my parents are staying there..There's no point of having streamyx since me and my sibllings is not at home most of the time, right?...

Well, the main reason i'm back home is that because "Qing Ming" is here =) ( Wah, why so filial? ). Qing Ming is a Chinese Festival where we will go to our ancestors grave to clean, worship and pray every year. It is also an important event whereby we get to meet all our relatives and gossips.. ( Though, i still hate the part when it comes, do u have girlfriend bor?...)

For me, it is more important because at the moment..Left only 3 of us ( me, my father and my uncle ) take part in Qing Ming...The rest have joined the world of christianity and also women who have been married will usually follow their husbands.

Having a religion is always a good thing unlike me, a free thinker. But in my humble opinion, sometimes it is not right to being overzealous about it. Just like my case of "Qing Ming"...My siblings and cousins have all embraced Christianity over the years. Well, is not that it bothers me much because religion doesn't separate us much as we are still close as ever...It's just that everytime when it comes to praying our ancestors, they just refuse to do so...."Qing Ming" is just a traditional festival that we, as filial sons and daughters, pay our respect to our ancestors...Even if you are a Christian, you don't need to hold a joss stick and pray...But you can just join in the fun camaraderie and maybe just take a bow, and say "Hi" to our ancestors without fearing of offending your religion do's and don'ts!...Many of us have parents who are Buddhist or practice Taoism but have childrens who are of different religions...That is why, IMHO, we as their child, should just come and participate in "Qing Ming" jus for respect. C'mon Man..It's your father or mother for Christ sake! ( Oops..being too emotional...But still, my Uncle or even my own brother still refuse to pay respect to my grandfather's grave..)

So, i cannot imagine how will "Qing Ming" will be like..Especially when my father and uncle is growing old.. And Me?...Having A Child?...( Are you guys out there ever thought you will have your "own" biological child with your partner in the future? =)...It is of course, a Mission Impossible... ) It will come to a time, where, left only ME...Alone... Cleaning, praying and "chatting" with my ancestors in the future ... Sob Sob... as i will still continue to pay respects to them albeit i really hate the scorching sun and climbing mountain high and low where the graves are scattered around....

Well...Enough said...This post will not have pretty guys though...( cause i'm using dial-up! Imagine how many hours it will take to upload those pics! ).

Hope you guys enjoy your weekend ya! ( p/s: I'm not attacking any religion here...I'm just attacking my relatives... =P )

Muacks From Simon!


  1. I still feel that even if one changes religion, there is still a need to honour one's ancestors... just use a different approach.

  2. you do have a point and i'm 100% with you~ with that said~ OMG! i don't even know it's Qing Ming already!

  3. William: True..Some ppl chose to honour one's ancestor by saying it'a all in the heart and our mind.

    Fable Frog: Ya lor..U shudn't say it's Qing Ming already! Because it means that it's already 1 year has passed since the last one! Indirectly means we are 1 year older again! ....Hehehe...

  4. Hahaha... I used to visit my grandparent's graves on Easter (not Qing Ming). But that was back when I stayed in melaka, and those grandparents were my father's side... hrmm, that's not a good excuse. >.< Don't even remember when easter is anymore...

  5. hehe.. actually u can post more of ur butt pics :)
