

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sexuality Explained - A Series of Videos by Oogachaga

We can always depend on Singapore for creating wonderful awareness regarding LGBT issues to the masses.

Oogachaga -- A non-profit counselling and personal development organisation for LGBTQs, has released a 10-part Youtube series that explores the common themes associated with one's journey of self-discovery in sexuality and gender-identity
( Sourced from )

You can visit their website or get connected with Oogachaga through their Facebook page as well:


  1. Simon, I am very happy you have posted these videos on your site.
    I am 72 and know I was gay since I was probably 5 years old. But I did not really come out to friends and family until I was 22. My life was difficult before but now it is wonderful. I have a long term lover who is 66. We have been together for 45 years. I wish the best for all our readers and hope they find the peace and joy in their lives!!!

  2. useful educational video, but imagine what if the authorities plan to approve laws to make homosexual as a crime... that's so pathetic...
