

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Premature Ejaculation in Gay Sex ....

" His nervous fingers unrolled the condom down his shaft.. Oh God, he felt it start. He squeezed hard and prayed. In the end, he watched the condom fill with semen ... "

I'm sure all of us yearns for that long, hard, wild sex sessions that we're going to have with our partners, but somehow, there is this problem that always prevent you guys to achieve mutual climaxes!

Premature ejaculation ( PE ) means cumming too quickly, and it's one of the most common sexual problems among gay men.  Most men experience PE at least once in their lives. Often, adolescents and young men experience PE during their first sexual encounters, but eventually learn ejaculatory control.

A normal ejaculation should occur within 3 to 5 minutes of continuous thrusting ( minutes, not hours!! ). If you came much quicker than that, you probably suffer form PE. It happens to most of us at some point in our lives -- but it only becomes a problem when it becomes the norm, rather than the exception.

At the 2006 Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, they reported that:
  • the average lasting time of men with PE was 1.8 minutes
  • a "normal" men lasted an average of 7.3 minutes
But most surveys showed that there is great variation between men. Hence, the best definition of PE is "climaxing before you or your partner wish you to" !

PE can make people unhappy and frustrated, and in severe PE cases, it can threaten / ruin a relationship simply because it spoils the sex lives of both partners. This can be devastating for a man's self-confidence and hugely annoying for his partner, especially if he wants to get orgasm!

Suggestions on how you can handle PE:

  • Self Distraction 
    • If your arousal levels are getting too high and a climax is beginning, take a deep breath and think about something else, something very boring if possible. When you are less aroused, you can again try to maintain your erection and continue with the session
  • Stop and Start Method
    • If you find yourself nearing climax, withdraw your penis from your partner and allow yourself to relax enough to prevent ejaculation. In the meantime, proceed with other kinds of foreplay first. Bu starting and stopping sexual stimulation, you can learn to prolong the sex act.

  • The Squeeze Method ( Masters-Johnsons Method ) 
    • This method involves either the man or his partner squeezing ( fairly firm ) the end or the tip of the penis for 10 to 20 seconds when ejaculation is imminent, withholding stimulation for about 30 seconds, then continuing stimulation. This can be repeated until ejaculation is desired.
  • More foreplay
    • Stimulate your partner to a state of high arousal before you have your genitals touched, that way, ejaculation and orgasm can be achieved about the same time.
  • Masturbation
    • Practice different methods by yourself. Getting to know your feelings and sensations gives you the chance to gain your confidence
  • Desensitizing Creams
    • Creams can be used to desensitize the end of the penis. They act like a local / topical anesthetic. Thicker condoms can also decrease the sensitivity, thus prolonging sexual act. There are also condoms with is lubricated with local anesthetic. Unfortunately, you can't get it in Malaysia but you can get it easily in Thailand and Vietnam! Beware as well, if you use them and have oral sex, you'll numb your partner's mouth! 
  • Drug treatment
    • The most common prescribed drugs are antidepressants - when taken in low doses -- may help with your PE. It helps the guy to relax and less nervous during the sex session. However, do not that there are some side effects to be monitored, if taken for long term. Some of it include making you harder to ejaculate as your body is used to the presence of medicines in your body.
    • The newest drug in the market, specifically to treat PE is Dapoxetine ( Priligy ). Please understand that Priligy is not a pill which will cure PE. The idea of taking Priligy is to lengthen the time between sexual arousal and climax. However, if you have bad PE, Priligy would be probably be worth  trying when it becomes available in your country ( It's not approved in the USA yet, but good news for us, it is available in Malaysia! -- So, what are you guys waiting for? -- You can consult your doctor and pharmacist for more information! -- But, one thing for sure, it is not cheap. It costs about RM130 for a box of 3 tablets o Priligy 30mg ) 

It may take some time for you and your man to overcome this premature ejaculation, but with a little creativity and imagination, you can turn these quick tips into lengthy fun! 


  1. I believe your readers are more focused on all those pictures in this post rather than the words you write. Hehehe... it's just so distracting to read properly when there are so many hot pics. LOL...

  2. Any remedies for B?
    I came very quick during sex without touching my didi :(
    Usually lasted less than 3 mins.

  3. " You can consult your doctor and pharmacist for more information!" can we consult you?

  4. I am sure Simon T find it VERY resourceful. LOL

  5. 0164072852 (whatsapp,wechat,line)
