

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Eating "Tofu" at Far-Far-Away-Galaxy ....

Part 2 of Far-Far-Away-Galaxy ...

" A long time ago, in a galaxy far-far-away ..... 
It's a period of sexual war.
Rebel TWUNKSs, striking from a hidden base,
Have won their first victory against the evil PLUBOY Empire!

During the battle, Twunky spies managed to steal, 
secrets photos of PLUBOY Empire's ultimate weapon, the "PLU-PENIS"...
an armored space STALLION with enough "horse power" to destroy an entire planet-hole!

Pursued by the Empire's sinister agents, Prince Simon races home aboard his "stag-ship",
custodian of the stolen plans of the evil PLUBOY, 
which is to capture "Prince Horny BF" and turn him into his sexual slave, 
that can save his "people" and restore freedom to the galaxy.....
In order to win this battle, 
Prince Simon in his "stag-ship", flew to this Far-Far-Away-Galaxy,
Seearching for the people that is destined to be "The One" help save the Galaxy...

Hidden in this Far-Far-Away-Galaxy, 
are the Rebel Twunks that will help Prince Simon  to save his Prince Horny BF!!!....

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mr.Manhunt Singapore 2012 - #10 Jonah Goh

Contestant No.10: Jonah Goh

DOB: 30 Nov 1989 ( 23 yo )
Bsc. Finance University College Dublin 2011

Friday, June 22, 2012

Mr.Manhunt Singapore 2012!

Yeap! That's right, guys! It's the season for Singapore's Mr.Manhunt 2012 contest!!! -- Oh my! I've been covering the pageant since 2009 and this is the 4th year I'm doin' it!!!

-- Sigh, it's my BLOG getting OLDER or I'm the one instead?!!!! --- Yeah, I know ... The effort of maintaining my supple tan butt is getting harder day by day ... Have to apply lotsa MooGoo Cream where they claim the cow's milk protein is almost similar with human's DNA. Hence, we absorb the protein better and our skin will feel more soft and supple!!!! [ Oops! Exposing my secret .. ! ]

Anyway, here are this year's, Mr.Manhunt Singapore 2012 Top 20 Finalists ... Honestly speaking, I think most of you guys will have a Heart Attack or it's either VOMIT BLOOD through MOUTH ( Fugly ) or NOSE ( Sexay! )even while scrolling down the pictures!!!! -- I shall not say no more, okay?!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mr.Singapore Southeast Asia 2011 - Yuse Ding Yuze

Ding Yuze won the Mr.Singapore Tourism South East Asia award in July 2011 and there's no looking back for this cutie! 

新加坡Calendar Guy,阳光健康的大男孩- 男模贴图

High School: Woodgrove Secondary
Grad School: Ngee Ann Polytechnic 2008

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Caption This Picture ...

I'm Not into Sissies!!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Malaysian Singer, Andrew Tan's Photo Book - Twin Star!

[ OMG! I did not blog for 18 days!!!! What is going on in my life?!!!! ] 

Malaysian Singer, Andrew Tan Say Aun, recently released his Photo Book, aptly titled "Twin Star" . My last post on him was way, way, way back in May 2010 [ ]

Name: Andrew Tan Say Aun 陳勢安
DOB: 4 June 1986 ( Gemini )
Stats: 178cm, 60kg
Claim to fame: 2006 Astro Talent Quest Runner-Up

陈势安双子星 }