

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry X'mas, Boys!

A sincere wish from Simon Lover & Horny BF to every body who chanced upon my blog, a Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

( Gosh! I missed those days when me & the Horny One, spent a few X'mas-es in a row at Orchard Road, Singapore.....! 
Well, when I think about, living in Singapore for 1-2weeks is indeed a wonderful experience .... Transportation, Punctuality, Cleanliness, Obidient, Trendy, Up-to-date, Technologically more Advanced than --- , Varieties, Free Sex, Free Economy.... and of course, Hunky Guys all over the streets!! --- I'll never run away from this question of " Should I move down south?!!!  - Should I? Huh? Huh? Huh?!! "

But then again, when I think of Simon Lover, always needing to be in a hurry for nearly every second of my time, each time I leave my doorstep.....Well, I still prefer the laidback lifestyle of Malaysia - & of course, being able to drive to the nearest shopping center! Hahaha -- I'm an unambitious person, okay? -- Unless, there are Sugar Daddies who're willing to "bao" me & the Horny BF - lar...Tsk,tsk,tsk ....

Anyway, Happy Holidays, once again!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Chinese Male Model Exposed!

Just want to wish everyone, a very Merry Christmas 2011!

Me just came back from my secondary schoolmate's wedding dinner. Unfortunately, this wedding dinner is one of my most traumatic experience!!!! Hahaha -- Though the food was good, but.............. but .............

I was seated in a table of ALL GIRLS!!!! -- and the worst part is that I don't even know any one of them at all !!!!!! ---  Stupid bitch schoolmate of mine! -- If I know, there are not many of my ex-schoolmates are attending, I should have declined the invitation instead ... Waste my $$$$ !!! -- Though I think, it's a noble intention of my friend to purposely place me in a table full of girls from the same profession as me .... So that I might electrocute any one of them and make my mother happy, someday !! ..... Very the KHEKSEI! -- Imagine, two and half hours of genuine bitches or raging female hormones, chit chatting, gossiping, backstabbing, surfing their Iphones on the latest COACH bags.... Sigh.......... Regret going for the dinner!! -- Go and accompany the Horny BF for Christmas Eve dinner could have been a much better option!

Anyway, here is a hunky, Chinese Male Model, by the name of Robby Li Xiaobing, which, I'm sure many of you guys have seen his picture before....caught showing off his KKJ on webcam! Enjoy and once again, Merry Christmas!

Name: Li Xiaobing 李小兵
Place Of Birth: Anhui, China; 19th June 1981
Height: 178cm
Hobby: Swimming, sunbathing, movies

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


A thousand apologies to my fellow readers for not updating my blog in ages as well as articles less than 100 words!!! While everyone is busy clearing their annual leaves / school holidays, the month of December is proving to be one helluva tiring month for me! Reasons:

a) I've been forced to accept my new position in my current company as a manager, without any salary increment / perks! -- Worst still, I need to work more days on weekends, take less leave, work longer hours and do all the paperworks!!! -- @#$%$^%^*!

b) The Horny BF is currently trying to cope with his new job in a new company as a, well...Manager again....!!! So, need to accompany him and give him moral support always! Sigh, when we think back, the higher position you are holding, it gets more stressful instead! --- Sometimes, we just wished we can go back to our "ya-ya-hoo", "blur-blur", "don't worry, be happy" position instead, where we can always go ... "Erm, I dunno - lar....This one you need to ask the manager - ler...!!!"

c) I'm actually changing jobs in 2 months time as well....Hence, I had to save my annual / replacement leaves for next year's departure. That's why, for this two months, it's only work, work, work for me...Sigh! --- Now, I have to worry about finding a new place to stay some more!!! --- Headache, headache, headache --- Anyone mind to rent out their "Pyramid Giza" abodes to me? You can see Simon Lover, naked in the living room - oh!!!! Tsk, tsk, tsk .... Haha. Just joking, okay!

d) Short detours --- Aiyoyo ---- When we reached a certain "age", we need to prepare ourselves for unforeseen onslaught of surprise enemy attacks!! Though this year is not as bad as last year, where I had 8 "Red" atomic bombs released on my kuku-bird!!!! -- This month alone, I had detonated two bombs at somewhere far-far-away from Klang Valley & one more is coming up on Christmas Eve!  -- Very unfair to us gays, where we'll never get the chance to give people our atomic bombs, right?!!!!! -- That's why, unless they are my close friends, I'll give better angpows...If not so close, I give them the minimum amount - nia!!! -- Agree with me or not?!

p/s: Referring to Pluboy's blog:

I managed to stop by at the same swimming pool, where that horny PluBoy of ours LURRRVES to cruise when he's back in his "Ya-Ya-Hoo"-Land....

a)  Ahhh....The Guy in the tight, RED ARENA swim trunk! -- I'm not sure whether he's the same guy which PLUBoy had fun with since he doesn't have a moustache,  but he has a hot body indeed! Unfortunately, he "came" in while I'm just about to leave the pool -- KHEK SEI!!!!!

b) One super hot hunk with a swimmer BOD, in tight ARENA Jammers!!! --- Sex-ay!!! Had eye contacts..He even stared at me as while I was walking past him,  heading to the showers -- I was expecting him to tail me - one... Manatau ..... Guess I need to work my ass out, more!!!! -- or is it because, Horny BF as withe me as well?!! Tsk, tsk, tsk....

c) Yes...There was one Indian Guy in the showers as well! Shaved head, in his trunks, but jerking at the urinals...Signalling me to .... slurp, slurp him .....! Hahaha..Which again, I'm not sure if he's the same Indian Guy mentioned in Pluboy's sexual encounter post!

d) I was sexually harrassed by a middle aged chinese man! -- You know me lar..I like to strut around in the showers, and if there are not many people around, I'll go "all the way" one.... But that day, there were so many people in the showers,so I kept my trunk on and sat on the bench while waiting for the Horny BF to finish his shower....Before that, I already noticed a middle aged man was stalking me. So, while I was busy replying an SMS, suddenly I look at my side, the middle-aged man was standing near me & "talking" on the phone!!! -- Of course he thinks I'm stupid meh --- I also use this kind of tactic to snap handsome guys on the streets on my camera phone - lar!!! ---- Immediately, I got up and move into the dry changing room, with his camera phone in hot pursuit! -- Then, the Horny BF came out, wrapped only in towels...Instantly that hamsap-lou changed focus and shift his camera phone towards Horny BF's body!! --- So daring that Hamsap-Lou, especially with so many fathers/kids/teenagers in the shower room - tim!!!! In the end...I guessed Simon Lover was caught on camera with his pants down while Horny BF's back became sexier than Justin Timberlake's on that fateful morning.....Hahahaha .... Well, at least it made that Hamsap Bugger happy .....What to do?!

Anyway, please enjoy some of these NIKON DSLR Boys -- though not all of them are using NIKON ..... Muacks from Simon!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Let's Talk Cock!

My, My...I wonder when will my laziness go away! This is only my 3rd Post for the month of December 2011! -- Sigh..This month is indeed a very busy & tiring month for me..Hence, pardon me for being a man with few words, of late....! And there's no exception for this time, either! Sigh!

Anyway, a simple post for today, where we shall "talk cock" a lil'! --- I'm not sure about the rest of the world, but over here in Malaysia, we like to use the word "Talk Cock", where it's a slang for "Talking Crap / Nonsense / Rubbish!"

For example: That fella always like to "talk cock" only!
 or.... "Stop talking cock, Simon! Get to point! "  --- Which, I'm going to!!!

So, based on the picture above, how will you guys describe your cock looks like? Tsk, tsk, tsk....

For example: Simon Lover's Cock is:

( and I repeat, once again, it's just an example!!! Unless you guys PM me and I might consider sharing the real code! Tsk, tsk, tsk! }

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hot Singaporean Couple On Cam!

Credits given to this sexy blogger of ! for sharing with us, this cute 25-years old Singaporean, webcam-ming with his BF! Nice!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Handsome Taiwanese Boy - Arthur Yan

Handsome Taiwanese Boy....Arthur Yan ( 25 October 1987 )

Monday, November 28, 2011

Melbourne's Hottest Gay Asian Hunk - Shane!

Watched, The Adventures of Tintin, with da Horny BF today....A nice animated movie indeed. I used to read Tintin comics, way back in the early 1990's when my cousins used to borrow it from the Library.

Anyway, here's a tribute to my avid reader, Rob H, a sexy Australian who has a knack for Asian Boys! -- His Favourite, Melbourne's Hottest Gay Asian Boy - Shane Hong! [ of Vietnamese-descent ]! -- Accompanied with a few youtube videos, uploaded by Rob H, himself, in the recently concluded, Mr.Lotus 2011 competition!

[ Well....I'm sure many of my readers here has a booty as bootylicious, as well as an expert in shakin' your BON BON, just like Shane! -- Don't DENY it! ]

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Driver?! - I'm A Top!

This topic is something similar to this post :

This question arises while we were driving down to Melaka for a short excursion, a few weeks back.  The funny thing was, even though it's the Horny BF's car, yet..I'm the one driving instead of him! -- So, this made me wonder, whether, the statement below, which is accepted universally, in our Gay World, is really true or it's just a perception instead?!!!

"The Guy Who Drives Is Usually The TOP, While The One Who Lets The Other Half Do The Driving, Is Usually The BOTTOM!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Spread Your "Love"....!

Last weekend, I went for a short 2D1N trip to the Land Of White Coffee, for an ex-colleague's Wedding dinner. Goin' back to the Land Of White Coffees [ Yes....Where on earth can you find a coffee drink, which is White in colour?!!!! Yes, "White" in colour! Even the British couldn't turn the coffee, white! ... Ahhh.... You can only find it, here, the Land Of White Coffee, of course! ]

I can remember, a long, long, long time ago ...... Buying local souvenirs is a breeze .....

a) My Favourite "Kaya Puff" shop. Back then, the shop is so dearth of customers until the owners were so free to chase the flies away, each time when we visit them [ Cantonese: "Pak Wu Ying!" ]. No thanks to a certain TV Programme Show aka "Ho Chak" which featured them on air..... Now? Each time the queue is so damn long, no thanks to the crazy KL-ites who craves for homemade "Kaya Puffs"! Sometimes, the situation is so bad until the owner has to limit 1 box of 10's to each customers unless they pre-order. Since then, situations like below happen, nearly each time during my visits:

Customer : I come from so far, KL, ya'know....! and I waited for 30 minutes - d! No matter how, you must give me 10 boxes!
Owner : Tiu nei geh ma chao hai! [ aka Fuck your mother's cunt! ]. I don't care where you come from, either you take it or leave it! If you don't like, " Nei tong ngo - lan! Mm mou jor ju ngo jou sang yi!" -- aka, Get the fuck off here! Don't disturb me doing business! --- Hahaha ...Yup, the owner will not give you any "face" at all - one! -- and yet, the customer will end up buying from them......Haik!

b) My Favourite "The Flying Fox of The Snowy Mountain" 雪山飛狐 Tau Fu Fa -- aka Hokkien: "Tao Huey" or "Soy Custard" --- Yes, the only place where you can get the smoothest Tau Fu Fa in Malaysia, probably due to the secret ingredient, which the water from the mountains... 山水豆腐花 ......  Last time, there was no such thing as "Drive Through" Tau Fu Fa stall , where you can order the Tau Fu Fa and drink in your car ...... And even by 6-7pm, you are still able to buy a bowl of Tau Fu Fa and eat on the spot....No thanks to the Internet Age, it has turned into a chaotic "Drive Through" Tau Fu Fa stall with a queue as long as 500meters and it's not double, nor triple...It's quadruple parking - somemore!!!! Just for a bowl of 80-cents' taufufa!! --- Sigh.

c) The Grand "Dim Sum" dining experience -- Back then, they have been in business at the very same corner building for more than half a century. But with new generations taking over, they have built their own dim sum shop...Possibly the largest "Dim Sum" restaurant in whole Malaysia ..... Spanning 4 stories of the size of 3 shoplots .... Yes, the restaurant has indeed managed to exude it's " Wealth Mountain" Restaurant name....Really hate those KL - people....Hahaha ....Like whole life never eat "Dim Sum" before.... Probably the only "Dim Sum" restaurant in Malaysia, where one needs to queue up and take your queue number first and wait, probably 20-30 minutes for a table!

d) Last but not least, how can I not mention their White Coffee, since I'm in the Land of White Coffee, right?! -- The original kopitiam and their very first, franchise outlet, remains the best place to savour their White Coffee, and yet, you guys thought you have tasted the best white coffee ever, in your neighbourhood Franchise outlet! --- Nothing beats their original, hot white coffee, prepared by old-aunties who have no qualms at shouting "Fuck You" -- "Nia-mah", if you don't speak loud or clear enough when ordering, at their dilapidated corner restaurant.

Anyway, please spread your love to the ones that you care / lust / love / infatuated ..... Muacks from Simon Lover! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Is It Good To Be A Hoarder?

 That's why, sometimes I'm not sure whether being a hoarder is a good thing or not...Here's what I managed to uncover today, while doing some spring cleaning during my off day ......

Spirited Away ( 27/11/2002 )

Bart Fan 范巴特 Photography.

Sorry for being AWOL, again! But, some of you guys might have read my continuation of Far-Far-Far-Away-Galaxy-Part-II, where I had to shelve it momentarily to re-edit those XXX-pictures into X-pictures, before posting up again! Hehehe...Sorry to "Brainy Smurf" ya!

Anyway..Here are some wonderful pictures from a budding Taiwanese photographer, Bart Fan. Enjoy ya!

[ p/s: Just went for a job interview today....I really admire those interviewers..."How can they excel so good during interview session! -- Interrogative, Intimidative, Assertive, Manipulative, Cunning, yet can be so humble & amiable at the same time! Hmmmm ..... If I were to take up this new job, I'll need to use at least 95% of my brains, [ up from the current 5% ], everyday when I go to work!!! Yikes!  --- Only reprieve? -- The possibility of HUNKY GAY LOU(s) visiting me after their gym session since I'm just next door!!!! Should I take up the offer? Tsk, tsk, tsk...... ]

Saturday, November 12, 2011


This weekend, Me & Da Horny BF decided to have an excursion to a place somewhere Far-Far-Away. Stepping into this Far-Far-Away-Land made me reminisced about my ex-Far-Far-Away-Land work place which kept me in the "wild" for a few years, before I managed to regain my sanity last year! Haha --

And coincidentally, my Far-Far-Away-Grand-Old-Dame-cum-ex-landlady called me while I was squatting down at the roadside, exposing my UNDERWEAR band, to the horror of the "People" of this Far-Far-Away-Town! -- Talking about nostalgia, eh?  ----- Wait...Shouldn't it be "Me" to be in shock, by the sights of never-seen before, Far-Far-Away-Land-Punya genitalias?!!!! Yikes!  

Just by the look of this picture, can you guys imagine what adventure awaits Simon Lover?!!!!! 
It's been a while since Simon Lover having to have "deep", "heavy" breathings and releasing unwanted "moans" at inappropiate occassions? 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

8 Days Top 20 Shirtless Guys - Hunk#11 Xavier Hu!

Singapore's "8 Days" magazine "Top 20 Shirtless Guys" contest:

Hunk #11: Xavier Hu Xi Hong

DOB: 17 March 1988
Height : 173 cm
Weight : 67 kg 
Hair : Black
Eyes : Brown
Chest : 40
Waist : 30
Hip : 37
[ I have blogged Xavier before over HERE, where he had also participated in Manhunt Singapore 2010 and finished 4th runner-up...If you notice his Stats back then, he was only 64kg, chest 38, hips, 36.... Guess he has improved a lot, eh?! ]

Sunday, November 6, 2011

8 Days Top 20 Shirtless Guys - #13 Richmond Ang

The search for Singapore's "8 Days" magazine's winner of Top 20 Shirtless Guys are on! Here is the first featured Guy from the list! 

Hunk #13
Name: Richmond Ang
DOB: 20 July 1987
Stats: 181cm, 74kg

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Singapore's "8 Days" Top 20 Shirtless Guys!

Now that the New Icon For Him's Malaysia's Top 12 Hottest Hunks 2011/2012 contest has concluded [ with the crowning of Jordan Yeoh as the winner! Pictures HERE ]; we shall shift our focus to down South which is, Singapore's "8 Days Magazine's Top 20 Shirtless Guys" competition!

Wow! It seems that we are bombarded with neverending male beauty pageants in Malaysia / Singapore - eh?!! Seriously, are there a lot of good-looking hunks in both countries? Hahaha ... Well, it's better for you to judge by yourself ya!

8 Days Magazine...I wonder whether they are still selling at S$2 / issue. Back in my elder bro's NUS Days... he used to buy 8 Days magazines and never fails to bring it back, each time when he's back home. Hence, I was exposed to lots of half-naked Singaporean Male Celebrities at a very young age! Hahahaha.

[ Yes...I have an elder brother in Singapore...Last time I used to head down to Singapore at least twice a year. Yup! Back when most of the swimming pools at Singapore were still open concept! --- For example:  Drooling at naked boys showering at Katong Pool!!! Towel Club, One Seven...Sounds familiar? Tsk, tsk, tsk .... ] --- .

..But then, throughout this 5 years, I've only been to Singapore 3 times only...Sad case hor? --- And next year, I will be given the honorable title of "Uncle Simon" jor -- Where I'll foresee in 10 years time, the cute little baby will grow up into a pestering menace with incessant queries of " Why Uncle Simon not married - one?!"

Okay, Okay...Back to today's Post. Yup, 8 Days Magazine is having the "Top 20 Shirtless Guys" contest with the finale on 20th November 2011.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Playing Safe ....

Hmmmm .... Another routine day, today. Sometimes, I just wish I can always have the same wittiness and sam-pat'ness mood in writing posts. Hahaha .... Oh, well. At least it gives me an excuse to post more pictures from my collections.

Probably in a few days time, I will post up a picture of a Sexy Groovin' Underwear [ With or without flesh? It's your call, my dears! ] , that the Horny PLUBOY bought for me, a few months back when he was in Bangkok?

So guys. It's always important for us to play it safe.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Icon For Him, Malaysia's Hottest Hunk #28 - Alex Choong!

马来西亚最具话题性与最受欢迎的《THE HOTTEST HUNKS IN MALAYSIA》猛男秀比赛!

Hunk Number 28: Alex Choong Kok Kheong
DOB: 27 January 1991 [ OMG! - He doesn't look like 20 yo at all! ]
Hometown: Ipoh
Stats: 178cm, 65kg,  37"-29"-37"

One of the cutest, youngest and friendliest contestants around ....
[ I have blogged about Alex before, way back in Jan 2011 -- HERE ]

SMS - "HUNK 28" and send to 36213.
[ Each SMS is RM 1.00 ]

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New Icon For Him, Malaysia's Hottest Hunk #24 - Low Thien Yien 刘添运

马来西亚最具话题性与最受欢迎的《THE HOTTEST HUNKS IN MALAYSIA》猛男秀比赛!

Hunk #14: Low Thien Yien ( aka TY Low 刘添运 )
DOB: 28 November 1985
Hometown: Johor Bahru
Stats: 173cm, 67kg, 38.5"-30.5"-37.5"
Occupation: Lawyer

I have blogged this cute hunk before, way back in my January 2010 post [ HERE ], regarding his involvement in a play at The Actors Studio. Wow..Time really flies, eh?!!! 

So now, Mr.Low is back, as one of the favourite contestants for New Icon For Him Magazine's "Hottest Hunks In Malaysia 2011/2012" contest!! 


If you guys like him, please SMS & VOTE for "HUNK 14" to make sure that he makes it to the Final 12 Hunks, that will be featured in New Icon For Him's Table Calendar 2012!!! 

I have shown my support, and now it's YOUR TURN! Hahahaha -- To be honest, there are not many people like us in this year's contest, as compared to previous years. But, who cares, right? If you fancy the person, JUST VOTE!

SMS - "HUNK 14" and send to 36213.
[ Each SMS is RM 1.00 ]

Monday, October 24, 2011

New Icon For Him, Malaysia's Hottest Hunk #18 - Kenji Yew!

马来西亚最具话题性与最受欢迎的《THE HOTTEST HUNKS IN MALAYSIA》猛男秀比赛!

Mr.Kenji Yew Shih Chon
DOB: 3 August 1990 ( 21 years old - only! )
Occupation: Currently studying at UKM, part-time model
Hometown: Alor Star, Kedah.
Stat: 175cm, 70kg, 41"-30"-36"

SMS - "HUNK 18" and send to 36213.
[ Each SMS is RM 1.00 ]

Sunday, October 23, 2011

New Icon For Him, Malaysia's Hottest Hunk #24 - Jordan Yeoh 杨运晖!

As a prelude to the night of New Icon For Him Magazine's "The Hottest Hunks of Malaysia 2011/2012 on 28 October 2011, I will be featuring some of the hunks which are leading the rat-pack in my next few posts!

马来西亚最具话题性与最受欢迎的《THE HOTTEST HUNKS IN MALAYSIA》猛男秀比赛!

Without further ado, presenting to you guys, the current leader in the SMS-&-VOTE contest, Mr.Jordan Yeoh Oon Hooi! (  )

DOB: 2 August 1987 ( 24 years old )
Job: ACE-Certified Personal Trainer at FIT Malaysia,
Education: SMK Taman SEA, PJ.


SMS - "HUNK 24" and send to 36213.
[ Each SMS is RM 1.00 ]

However, have you guys ever wonder, how does Jordan Yeoh looks like, way back before he was a hunk? CURIOUS? 
Please Read More after the jump!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Icon For Him - The Hottest Hunks In Malaysia 2011/2012!

Yup guys, the season for "New Icon For Him" Hottest Hunks In Malaysia 2011/2012" is back! 
And this year's contestants promises nothing but sexy! 

马来西亚最具话题性与最受欢迎的《THE HOTTEST HUNKS IN MALAYSIA》猛男秀比赛!

Get the latest issue of "New Icon For Him" magazine ( Issue 57: Oct-Nov 2011 ) at your local newsstands , NOW! - Because inside the magazine, you'll get Free Passes to the Finale, whereby they'll pick the Top 12 Hottest Hunks to be featured in their 2012 Table Calendar!!!! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

18-Years-Old Thai Model - Pay Sataporn!

Ever wonder how a 3-month, intensive gymming can do to your body? Look no further...Here's a perfect example of how an 18-years-old, Thai Boy by the name of Pay Sataporn, transformed himself after 3 months of body workout!

18岁嫩男模Pay Sataporn

Pictures are credited to: Haruehun Airry Photography.

He appeared on the Thai Issue of Gay "Attitude" Magazine back in July 2011. Unfortunately for "us", he's  straight! Sigh....

Mr.Tantric 2011 - More Pictures!

My apology for not updating my blog for a week! Da parents went to Singapore and da Horny BF came & stay over my house for a week too! Tsk, tsk, tsk...Did a lot of things...Went to MP, went to Melaka but I was busy doing house chores as well...Washing, mopping, cleaning, cooking...Sigh, no wonder girls nowadays hate doing household chores!!! Very time-consuming & tiring too...By the time I reach home & finish all my house chores, it's already 11.30pm - d! So, not much time for me to blog also. But never fear, just wait for my upcoming Melaka post ya!

Here are more pictures of the recently concluded Mr.Tantric Singapore 2011....though I know I should start featuring the contestants for New Icon Magazine's Malaysia's Hottest Hunks 2011/2012...But it is very difficult for me to find pictures of the half naked Malaysian Guys on the net, unless I buy their magazine!! You tell me, what kinda approach that New Icon Magazine is heading to in this internet era! No facebook promotion, no twitter updates!...They are still sticking to the conventional, "Buy their magazine and "SMS" & "VOTE" era! Hmmmm.....

Anyway....enjoy these Singaporean Hunks ya! [ Hahaha...In actual fact, half of them are actually ex-Malaysians-cum-Singaporeans, a Thai and  a gwailo! ]

Pictures are sourced from Please visit their website for more information as they are one of the best Gay Guide available in this region! 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Guys with Nipple Rings!

Have you guys ever wondered how will your chest looks like if you had nipple ring(s)? Look no further, these are some pictures that will give you an idea whether you want to proceed with your dream nipples or not?! Hahaha .... Enjoy!

[p/s: Had a good weekend outing with da Horny BF and da God-Brother @Market Place. Though the music sucks big time. Horny BF finally bumped into his cute friend, but not before exposing me as Simon Lover, yeah...the horny stalker of Malaysian Gay Boys! Hahahaha -- Sigh, I need to shed off my undesirable image - jor. In real person, I'm not that bad, ya'know? =P. I will only post pictures of guys whom I don't know. Guys whom I've chatted before, know directly or indirectly will not make it in my blog, unless I ask permission from them first. Hahaha...Think I will focus more of Singaporean / Taiwanese / Chinese / Hong Kong guys - jor. I will limit to Malaysian Models/Celebrities/Super Hot & Famous Gay Boys - ba! ]

Anyway, enjoy the nipple boys ya! Hmmm...I wonder how does it feel to lick / suck pierced nipples?!! Anyone of you guys have tried before?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Groovin' Singaporean Stud - Anthony Chew, Part 2.

Oh My God, I didn't realize that it was way back in February 2011, when I featured this hunky Singaporean fModel, Anthony Chew! Time really flies, eh?! See first Part, HERE.

While I'm busy, blogging all alone at this point of time, [ It's midnight, my dear! ], the Horny BF is re-discovering the passion of flirting again, the feeling of being excited & lusty, all over again, just like when we first started! -- Hahahaha ... Unfortunately, the night doesn't belong to me. When I rang him up earlier on when he sms-ed that he's going to sleep, I can somehow sense that he's actually lying. Hahahahaha --- Well, what can I do. We are the one who practiced an open-relationship in the first place, right?

Yeah, there goes another one of his God-Brother, entering the horny den of the horny palace for a night's sleepover. So, just wish me luck when I call him again after this post ya! [ He never off his handphone during sleep, let's just hope he can "hear" the phone rings..... Hahahaha ..... Puhlezz la, the moans might be even louder that the buzzing ringtone - lor! ] ---- I shall keep you guys updated ya! =P

Cheers! Anyway, enjoy this hunky Singaporean, k!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Super Cute Malay Hunk!

I'm notorious for having a bird's eye view, in a sense of being able to see things 180 degrees including the side angle! -- [ Normal people can only see 180 degrees at front angle - nia! Tsk, Tsk, Tsk ]....

For example, while I'm reading a book at a bookstore or even doing something else that requires me to focus on the things in front of my eyes...I will still able to catch any hunky shadows that walked past me even by a feet! Stealing glances is my forte, my dear!

So, in this past few months...there have been few incidents where, while I was doing something, so happens that my eyes managed to detect a hunky shadow walking past me or sitting down from afar! -- Immediately, like a hungry wolf, I will quickly teleport myself nearer to catch a glimpse of the hunky shadow! -- Just like today, when I went to fetch da Horny BF at his office, from my car, I saw from afar, a fucking hunky guy, in super-tight work shirt & pants [ Hahaha, I have a fetish for guys in tight working attire! ], entering his office building!

And my mind immediately begin to think of, how to scold da fucking Horny BF, who always lament that there is no lengchai ( Handsome Guys ) in his whole office building, at all!!! -- And yet, today I managed to detect a lengchai at his office! Huh, wonder who's telling a lie now, eh?!!

Unfortunately, in those few incidents, the hunky shadow turned out to be, none other than da fucking Horny BF instead! KHEK SEI! POTONG STIM! ANTI-CLIMATIC! Like today, just as I begin to have dirty, sexual thoughts of the hunky guy in tight shirt, imagine the horror I had when the hunky guy suddenly turned around! Hahahahaha. Rupa-nya, is da Horny BF pulak!

Kheksei! -- It's either, da Horny BF had become hunkier due to vigorous gymming session, or he's becoming fatter, or his G2000 white shirt has shrink after a few washes. Hahaha .... But from what I know, da Horny BF is having a fun time, teasing me for making me feel disappointed of not having to ush-ush with handsome strangers, so many times!!! -- Kheksei.

Anyway, enough of crap, here's a SUPER CUTE MALAY HUNK for you guys! Very cute in my opinion, though! Enjoy!

Isn't he adorable?!!
Come to Malaysia, my dears!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steven Goh Photography - Darren Tan!

Here are some excellent photos from Steven Goh Photography, featuring Malaysia's Darren Tan.

Pictures are sourced from:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

9th Anniversary....!

Today marks the 9th Anniversary of The Horny BF & Simon Lover's saga. So, how did we celebrate our lovely day?

Hahaha...Well, da Horny BF had just came back from his long working trip back in his hometown. So, he was down with sore throat & fever. As for me, out of a sudden, I had a minor cough since yesterday [ probably due to the irritating customers who like to show how bad is their cough, by coughing in front of me, as if I don't know that they're coughing! -- Halo?! I don't wear a face mask, ok?! -- Anyone of you who had watched the movie, "Contagion", knows how risky it is working in the healthcare line..especially if you're a frontliner during SARS! ] - but today, my voice totally turned into Bonnie Tyler! How sexy can it be?! -- Imagine I have to scream on top of my lungs. only for my voice to sound like a Tweety Bird..and my customers will go sarcasticly [ or rather, showing some concern? ] --- "You're sick as well, eh?! "

Friday, September 30, 2011

Mr.Tantric 2011 - Winner!

Here are the pictures from the recently held, Mr.Tantric Singapore 2011. Pictures are credited to Tantric Bar's Facebook page.

And this year's winner is Contestant #1 Roy! Congratulations ya!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Guys with Tattoo - Chest!

If you guys ever wanted to have a tattoo on your chest, maybe you can get some inspirations from these guys!

[ p/s: I realize that there are not many Malaysians and Singaporeans tattoo their chests! Buy among Taiwanese & Chinese gays, it's kind of a "in-thing" for them! Tsk, tsk..maybe Malaysians & Singaporeans likes to tattoo on some other place - kot?! =) ]

Friday, September 23, 2011

Cute Hong Kong Twunk!

Fresh from my Hong Kong post.....Here's another dose of Hongkie invasion in my blog! Check out this cute Hongkie "Twunk"! I'm sure he's the cup of tea for many of my readers, RIGHT?!!! -- Don't LIE! I know many of you like TWUNKS! -- "Hamsap" betul!

[p/s: Just came back from watching da movie, "Johnny English"....Hahaha. Yup, the movie starring Mr.Bean, himself! I know the movie is too nonsensical. Wanted to watch "Contagion" but they only had the 9.00pm slot.

Anyway, anyone who has watched the movie might recognize the old, chinese lady serial killer -- She's the one who acted as Su-Lee in the 70's British Sitcom Comedy "Mind Your Language". Anyone "OLD" enough to remember "Mind Your Language" which was shown in our local TV back in the 1980's as well as 90's? --- Yeah, I'm that OLD! ]

[ p/s again:  I just look up on the internet, her name is Pik-Sen Lim and she is actually from Malaysia! She's the daughter of an oil palm millionaire and left Penang when she was 16 years old! -- How ironic is it, after all these years, know only I know she was a Malaysian! --- Yup, that's how serious it is, the "Brain Drain" situation in Malaysia! ]

Anyway....Back to today's cute TWUNK, ok! Focus, my dear, FOCUS!

Name: Juzco Nam Yuen Wai
DOB: 13 April 1988

His favourite drink is SPRITE! Anyone of you share the same interest? 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pinoy 18SX Videos!

Just a simple post today -- though it's a lil' X-Rated [ Well, I think these videos are considered "mild" for gay standards! Cuz I'm sure the people who reads my blog, are not that INNOCENT - lor! ] ---- I actually have a lot of pending pictures to share ...Stories as well....But, I'm just not in the mood of writing tonight...Haha. Guess I need to find some inspirations to write funny posts [ or sexual posts? Hahaha...I haven't write about my experience at Studio 69 Sauna, PJ - tim!! Yikes! ] again! --- Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Upcoming Event - Mr.Tantric Singapore 2011!

Taken from Superstar's Facebook Page:


The Spectacular Mister Tantric Pageant returns this year with even more splendor, style and sexiness.

On September 25th, be sure to catch our strong jawed, well toned and handsomely suave male contestants strut their stuff right before your eyes, all vying for the judges votes to be glamorously crowned Mister Tantric 2011.

Started back in 2006, the Mister Tantric Pageant has been proudly producing a steady stream of masculine, charmingly hot men anyone would desire; parading their glorious bodies and showcasing their wit and charm to their supporters - a group that has been growing exponentially each year as the standards get higher.

For the contestants there is everything for them - ego, fans, prizes worth over $12000 and the title of Mister Tantric. The fans get everything they want too, they all come for one thing, and they get it - hot smooth muscled bodies squeezed into tight and revealing trunks; what's not to love?

Date : 25th September 2011Time : 9pm till late
Venue: Zirca Mega Club, Clark Quay
Presale: S$20 (At Tantric), inclusive one standard drink

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Middle Bay, Gay Beach 中灣泳灘 - Hong Kong!

I know it's a little "too much" of me to continue blogging about my Hong Kong trip, which was, "for heaven's sake!" ---  way back in May?!

But then again..there are pictures which I have not shared with you guys yet! -- So, there we were, me & da Horny BF....Nothing else better to do...We decided to pay a visit to Hong Kong's famed Gay Beach 中灣泳灘 , Middle Bay at Repulse Bay!

Middle Bay Beach,中灣泳灘, Hong Kong's Gay Beach!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Boys In Kitchen...Yummy! - Part 3

There's a saying that "Guys make better cook than ladies!" 
Well, we'll just let the pictures do the justification ya!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mike He's 贺军翔 Upcoming Photobook!

Following Jerry Yan, Godfrey Gao, and Ming Dao, popular Taiwanese actor, Mike He Jun Xiang especially went to Southern France to shoot for his first photo book, “Le Retour Du Sud De La France”.

 For the photobook, Mike posed nude while only covering his most important area with a blanket, making him the most daring male idol in terms of showing skin. Mike revealed that he originally only planned to go topless, but after arriving to Southern France, he decided to go all the way in order to breakthrough from his past image, as well as making it a great memory for the eight years that he has been in showbiz.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Unconventional Bathing...Sexy Or Not?

Now, I never knew that bathing this way can be sooooooooooo SEXY! Doesn't it make you guys feel like wanting to jump inside and bath together with the boy?! -- And imagining that instead of the tap water, it's your "holy water" flowing into his ass?! Muahahaha ....

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cartoon Sex....

Can anyone of you help me to translate what are they talking about?
or perhaps, you guys would prefer to provide your own version of interpretation? 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

ZOD Underwear 内衣 - Part 2!

Wow...It's been more than a year since I last featured this sexy Chinese underwear brand [ Hahaha...or rather, is it because of the sexy Chinese model instead? Blek ... ]

( ps: Please click the above link. Don't type on ur address bar as it will lead you to a straight porn website! )