

Friday, September 2, 2011

Happy Merdeka Boys!

Today I had a surprising visit from a fellow "gay lou" blogger. All this while, I have been trying to avoid face-to-face contact or rather, keeping minimal technology contact with him, partly because I have a crush on him since secondary days?!!!! --- Hahahahahahahahahaha! Just joking, ok! -- Whatever is it, he knows and I know, the reasons for it!

I took a glance of him and my mind went "Oh, F*&#! Why the F#$% is he here?!!!" [ Pardon me for the crude language ya! -- Nyek! ] --- Why all the F%&$ instead?! Shouldn't I be happy since a
"gay lou" finally came looking for me after a dearth of sexual eye molestation?!!

Well --- It's because after working non-stop for 6 days in-a-row, coincidentally I was practically not in the mood of dressing up today! I was not in my tightest shirt and pants; my hairstyle was not anti-gravity enough, I did not put enough foundation powder to conceal my new-found "volcano" friends; and I just had "Oreos" in my office room -- and now, a F*&%-ing "Hot" Gay Lou is standing at my counter! --- Khek sei.

Anyway, it's nice meeting him and hopefully he doesn't mind me for not being able to "HELP" him "OUT" --- And luckily, he did not bring his whole bunch of hunky gay lou friends to visit me. Well, the moral of the story here is "PLEASE DO NOT SPRING A SURPRISE BY PAYING ME A VISIT, UNINFORMED" because I'm not always in my best condition! Hahahaha ----- I always like to have a better first impression  instead, to get the aura of "Love At First Sight" , ya'know? Hahaha --- It's a way of being polite, my dears! -- and yes, I'm a VAIN POT SLUT! =P

Anyway, Today is the day where all Malaysians celebrate the Independence Day! And what better way to show pictures of lovely couples from various races, which truly depicts that love goes beyond the racial boundaries, not only  in Malaysia, but also in Singapore! ( Well, I only realized I had one Singaporean couple picture below! )

Happy Merdeka Day! Muacks from Simon!

Chinese + Kadazan

Chinese-English + German

Chinese + Malay

Aussie + Chinese

Malay + Chinese

[ p/s: I'm not being racist here, and I'm sure there are a lot of inter-racial relationship among gays in Malaysia. Due to time constraint and my limited social network, I do hope you guys won't be angry of me for not featuring some of the races over here. Thanks


  1. indians not a part of malaysia? , lol

  2. People would rather see SimomLover au naturel. :P

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The last pic is Malay-Chinese + Chinese-Korean

  5. Independence Day was 2 days ago ma

  6. But 6 days of working nonstop is perfect for a surprise visit!
