

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Be My 1996 - Part 2!

Hmm...It seems that I've been neglecting my blog in a while. Putting criticism aside, especially on the Part 1 & 2 of Gay Kamasutra where the explicit pictures might have caused me being blacklisted by Nuffnang [ Puhlezzz --- I didn't even complain when Nuffnang always fail to give me any money for putting so many ads on my blog, which they are notoriously famous for and can you imagine my last ad revenue was remitted way back in March 3 but yet, you get to see lotsa ads continuously running in my blog - for FREE! and yet, they even dare to say I have breached their T&C -- !] --- I should try to write more often, especially after getting some cute compliments from da "Giant"-like Suneo William =P; the even Hornier than Horny BF, Cheryl =P; the Cute-Blurry BrianBlueBoy and da Horny Bf himself!

So, today is my Rest-Day. And since I'm notorious for being a hoarder, I decided to do some little [ memang really "little" ] spring cleaning in my home! -- Just for the main purpose of -- well, searching for my old magazines which I've kept since 1996! [ You can read the "Part 1" over HERE ]

And TA-DAH!!! - I managed to find one defunct magazine which goes by the name of "  etc"    ! Back then, the bi-weekly "etc" magazine was considered one of the most "in" local magazine, with the latest happenings and gossips plastered on the glossy papers. --- And this issue is a special bumper issue, published on 13-27 Dec 1996. 
Haha..You tell me, those days people like Arnold Schwarzenegger still can grace the cover of a magazine...Now?!!! -- Puhlezz lar...Nowadays, Anyone who doesn't looks like Justin Bieber will never ever be on the front cover - lor!

 --- Special Bumper Issue also means special articles and advertisements as well! ---
I'm not ashamed to say that, back then, I actually masturbated myself to the max by just browsing through magazine pictures like that!!! -- Yuh, sad case isn't it?!!!! -- What to do, I don't have any VCR machine back then and these kinda ads is my only hope for any arousement at all!!!! --- CHAM  ahhhhhhhh!

And by today standard, this PlayBoy underwear ad can be considered as very, very, very "mild" in terms of sexiness lor --- ! I also don't know why back in my early teens, I can get aroused by looking at the picture! Haha...Now?...My faithful brother Barely even "move" at all!...=P

The Year Of 1996 is also the year when I first discovered Pop Songs.

Before they became very big & famous in the States in 1997, they were already very popular back in the UK, 1996. Back then, we only have two English Radio Channel which is Radio 4 and Time Highway Radio (THR) or better known as TraxxFM and THR Indian Raaga nowadays.

Recently, I've heard this song being played on the radio a few times already and it definitely brings back lotsa memories....The epitome of female rock back then, the lead singer of Garbage, Shirley Manson at her best, "STUPID GIRL"!

Before they became very big in the US, the Backstreet Boys actually came to Malaysia way back in 1996 to promote themselves. Of course, being a newbie and unknown back then, they were so cute & down-to-earth, to the extent of wowing the Malaysian Girls to the max, making Malaysia one of the biggest contributors in terms of BSB's album sales in Asia back then! -- But then, with their popularity begin to rise in the US, they began behaving arrogantly and snobbish to their very first fans who have supported them back when they first started out -- even to the extent of commenting that Malaysian Girls are ugly... Finally, the Malaysian girls came to their senses and begin boycotting them, which, indirectly lead to the demise of BSB's career in the early 2000's. -- It's only when BSB really became obsolete in the US music industry, that BSB finally made a trip back to perform in Malaysia, way back in 2008 or 2009 , i think. People can be Very "yin sat" right?!

Who has never heard of The X-Files back then?!!! -- The X-Files series was one of the hottest entertaiment drama back then! Agent Mulder & Scully! If I'm not mistaken, it was used to be shown on TV2 at 8.30 or 9.30pm kot [ That was when TV2 used to be the "IT" TV channel in Malaysia before Astro came into picture and before the bigotry officials in RTM decided to re-structure TV2 into a more "localised" TV channel, which eventually lead to its' demise! Seriously, who watches TV2 nowadays?! It's really, really sad considering that TV2 used to be the number one TV channel in Malaysia..with it's DUNHILL DOUBLE movies, the latest TVB dramas and English Drama & series! -- Sigh...Malaysia Boleh - kan?!

And finally, before I end my case, I have a confession to make.
Oh Dear Lord, please forgive me as I have sinned, way back in 1996.
Please forgive me for having dirty thoughts.
Please forgive me for indulging in unnatural activities while looking at David Duchovny.
Please, Please Forgive Me......!
[ I shall rest my case...Puhlezz...Jerking-Off by looking at Agent Mulder!! How sexy can it be?!! An X-Files indeed!


  1. Ahhhhh...... does this mean no karma sutra part 3 and 4???

  2. Haha. Good, least you've come to your senses.
    The ban by ads aside, you're Already doing a terrific job dear.
    I too was aroused by sexy hunks in Galaxie n Smash Hits back then. So much so that I kept them for so long.

    Though Mulder did nothing for me. Just too ... Straight.

  3. Mulder was hot. Then came a more scantily clad lookalike in the form of Kevin Sorbo in Hercules. ohhh the fap history on that one...

  4. THR RAAGA , u knew that !

  5. When we were young, it took VERY LITTLE to achieve a full erection le.

  6. There's nothing to forgive lah :)

  7. Marky's Little DevilApril 6, 2011 at 1:50 AM

    omggg...i did that too! LOL! I remember playing WWE in PS1 and keep replaying a few of the hawt superstar's video scenes and maturbated XD Oppss...

    That was when there's no internet :(

  8. @Whizkid: Haha. Dun worry..There'll be continuation of the Kamasutra series...

    @Deicidal: Ah..Yes. Hercules...Me like the Young Hercules as well! Hehe..Paedophile!

    @Hornylicious:Haha.THR at 8.30-10.30pm used to be my primetime radio while doing my homework lor.

    @William:Haha..Meaning nowadays it takes "more" for us to be stimulated in order of getting a quicker, harder and longer erections?!!

    @JJ:Haha..Oops! Havent approve you on FB yet! Paiseh...

    @Marky's Little Devil: I tot u are so so much younger than me?!!!! How "cum" no internet for you to cum?!!

    @Cheryl: You can't have them all!!!!
