

Friday, January 28, 2011

Re-Bonding Moments...!

Hahaha...From my previous posts, I've mentioned before that me had a big fight with da Horny BF due to my "excessive" flirtations with cute TOPs and this had lead to a 8-days No-Speaking-Term between us...Well, last Saturday we had a sweet re-bonding session ( Thanks partly to our visiting friends from other states? ) or rather because of me lying on the bed and spreading my ass a little? Hahahahaha.....

Our daily "Pak-tor-ing" moments are very simple and carefree. It all started when the Horny BF asked me for lunch at my workplace. It's been 8 days of not seeing each other...Hahahaha...And since my eyes are always on the watch for lengchais...At first glance from afar...My eyes immediately sent signals to my brain causing it to interpret it as "Wah...Lengchai on target, look right in front of me!!" --- Haik, mana-tau is my Horny BF standing at the concierge pulak -- Cheh....Hahahaha. But as always, both of us couldn't resist to smile whenever once of us begin to smile - lor --- And that's how we usually break the deadlock.....

So, we ended up having a quick lunch at BBQ Plaza. After excusing myself to the toilet, I've bumped into a guy whom I have bumped into a few times since I started my new job 2 months ago. He's the kinda guy who fits perfectly in my fetish of guys in work clothes!!! --- Tight pants, Tight shirt, short crop hair, well-toned! -- I can remember the first time I report duty at my new place, he was coming down from the escalator, wearing a tight white shirt, exposing his cleavage by leaving the first button unbuttonned! I glanced at him, and after turning his back on me, he glanced back and gave me that cunning, sly smile...Hahahaha. Wonder why gays have good gaydars - eh?!!

You tell me, who doesn't want to be friends with a suave-looking guy in tight work attire?!!

And since then, I've only saw him from afar, say, about 4 times only!! And the toilet met-up was a perfect chance to test my gaydar instincts!!! -- However, I totally wasted the chance of the lifetime because I was actually kinda rushing to the toilet and I didn't really notice the guy who was standing at the urinal. It was only after I've opened my toilet door, I realized it was him! -- But he had finished washing his hands and leaving the toilet - jor!! ---- Kheksei me!!! -- If not I would have stand beside his urinal and unleash the little dragon in me -- Igniting a hot Fire-Storm session in the toilet!!!! --- Hahahaha..Such a pervert me. But then again, I needed to rush back to my lunch with da Horny BF - oh! =) Wakaka!

Usually I'll go straight to the toilet with door unless if there's a lengchai at urinals where I do give some exception - geh.

Anyway, all I want to say that everything's fine once again between me and the horny BF. It's just that I always like to have a certain boundary of freedom in my life. Hahaha. Everytime the things that we argue about are always because I don't bother about him much, I don't care about him much, I don't show much emotion, I'm not initiative in making the first move, I'm not creative in making our relationship more exciting, I always wanna spend with my family instead of him during my rest days, I'm not trying my best in moving out from my parents home which I have just started to live again for only 2months after been away for 8 years, I'm not spending enough time with him, I always work and work and work ( With the last two seems to be the most thorny issue in our relationship at the moment ) --- Sigh, for christ's sake -- Isn't it laughable to see that after 8 years and we are already approaching the 30's, and yet we are still arguing over love matters instead of finding ways of how to improve our lives, searching for monetary benefits or other constructive ideas?!!!  ----- It seems that many challenges and obstacles are being laid out for us to endure in our coming 9th anniversary and hopefull we'll be able to strive through successfully!!

( p/s: Hahahaha. Actually this post was written two days ago in a good mood. But today we argued once again because I have to work tomorrow and fetch my brother from the airport -- and doesn't have the time to meet up with him before da Horny BF goes back to his hometown for CNY. Sigh..If just time can stood still for me to finish all the tasks....It looks good on surface/virtual world but in reality, it's not all Rosy Business for Simon Lover & Horny BF --- )


  1. Wow! 8 years already? Gosh! That's considered long for a gay relationship. Well, if you guys can survive 8 years, there's nothing you guys cannot overcome, right? In a relationship, both parties must give and take, compromise, don't always one give and the other receive only without sacrificing anything. It takes two to work out a relationship. Here's wishing you two the best in many years to come.

  2. well if I have to argue on time spent with my bf, it will be never ending. After all, try to spend more time with ur bf and give some surprises to him. My bf and I always busy with work too but we always make time to be together and we never complaint on each other for those time lost. :)

  3. You really got to make an effort lo. Don't waste 8 wonderful years of ups and downs!

  4. hope things will turn out right..
    try to sort things out TLC-ly XD
    *pats back*


  5. Please don't take each other for granted. It's not easy to find someone who loves you so much to be with you for 8 years and who is living far away from you during most of that time!

  6. Of course he will complain that you don't bother about him, don't care about him, don't show much emotion to him and not taking the initiative or being creative in this relationship. Because you have spent all your energies on targeting other guys. What kind of bf would be interested in another guy in a public toilet right after making up with his lover? Where is your sense of priority?

  7. nvm ditch him and join me. :p

  8. @Anonymous 3:If you're so PURE, why are you surfing my blog in the 1st place?!

  9. Gotta prioritise and compromise lor. Put in more effort lah. Good luck!
