

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"It Get's Better" by Malaysians!

Thanks to a fellow blogger by the nick of JK.

From Seksualiti Merdeka Youtube Channel:

Seksualiti Merdeka launches short videos featuring Malaysians telling young lesbians, gays, bisexuals and trangenders around the country not to despair: yes, it gets better. And it is possible to live honest, proud, fulfilling lives in Malaysia in spite of the situation.

When confronted with bullying, rejection or discrimination at school, most of us have our families to turn to. But for LGBT youths, even our families can be a source of rejection. With no one to turn to, and faced with the thought of living a life full of fear, hurt and hopelessness, it is natural we ask ourselves, what is the point of living?

Over the last few months, we have heard of a many cases of teenagers in USA committing suicide as a result of being bullied at school for being gay. Who knows how many more goes unreported there, or here?

In response to the tragedies, American writer Dan Savage initiated a video project called "It Gets Better" in which LGBT (and some straight) adults, including many celebrities, record themselves telling the stories of how they survived their rough teenage years, and offering hope to young LGBT youths:

The most controversial Video of the lot due to religious and ethic issues!

To date, our video project has seen 15 contributions, four of which are online. The first is by singer Peter Ong on 9 Dec 2010, followed by engineer-writer Azwan Ismail on 15 Dec, university student Kavidha on 17 Dec, and Pastor Joe Pang on 20 Dec.

Within five days, Azwan Ismail’s video – It Gets Better in Malaysia: Azwan Ismail “Saya gay, saya okay” – reached over 150,000 views and 3,400 comments, many of which are against him: commentators have urged him to repent and return to the right path (heterosexuality). However, most of these comments are vicious, rude and uncalled for, and some have even threatened violence and murder towards Azwan and Seksualiti Merdeka members.

We find it irresponsible of the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom to ask JAKIM to monitor the activities of gay groups, while failing to ask JAKIM to criminalise those who post abusive and vulgar comments which threaten Malaysian citizens with violence and death.

The honorable minister’s primary concern is the image of Islam being tarnished. However, we feel that Islam’s image can also be tarnished by those who speak with hate and intolerance, completely without a trace of humanity.

We never intended to tarnish the image of Islam. We simply wanted to give hope.

We hope our leaders will not ignore threats of physical violence. Besides preventing meaningful discourse and debate, these threats also further intimidate fellow Malaysians who are already fearful for their well-being.

Here are the other news coverage about the story:

Berita Harian: JAKIM Pantau Seks Songsang

Harian Metro: Berani Mengaku Gay

New Straits Time: Being Gay Is Against Islam

The Star: Authorities Unhappy With Gay Confession

Associated Press: AP Interview: Malaysia gay man gets threats

Fridae: It Gets Better in Malaysia project calls for greater understanding of LGBT issues after death threats
Malaysia Singer / Tenor, Peter Ong.

 My only wish at the moment is that more Malaysian "People Like Us" will come up and participate in "It Get's Better" video project, especially those who are more open with their sexuality.....!!! 
( Unfortunately, Simon Lover is not one of them =(. Very sad indeed. )

Lastly, here's a little farewell to you guys. It's Scissor Sister's latest single, "Fire With Fire" and their sexy gay lead singer, Jake Shears! Enjoy...


  1. Hopefully that everyone here is registered to vote! =)

    It takes about 6 months before a person gets into the electoral roll. So register now. You can normally find the voter registration counters in the malls during weekends for go to any service centers to get yourself registered.

  2. coming out is not easy but I would say bravo bcos they got the courage and bravery to do it.

  3. It's hypocrite to use religion to attack ppl with different belief.

  4. i hate those damn malay politicians and fucked-up religious authority!
    those govt ministers truly forget that not all malaysians are muslims/malays, and so what if people like us exist??
    really hate malaysia now

  5. Well, all this hype about 'its getting better', has claimed its first victim, the Fresh massage center in Tmn Mihaja was torn down by dbkl n the police this morning!

  6. I think it is pointless to be too vocal n attract so much attention in a country like ours! Believe me it will only lead to more clampdowns. First the massage centers,next will be the saunas and the discos.
    The authorities have all this while turned a blind eye when everything is low keyed but now with all the hue n cry, god please help the PLUs!

  7. The mingguan newspaper today has a very interesting headlines!
