

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Horny BF's Wet Wednesday - Sam Tsui Sings "Don't Stop Believing"

Hi there people. Simon's probably chilling his bubble butt off somewhere up on the highlands, while we here on the lowlands are drenched with sweat. Not from the excessive nocturnal activities (like someone who just got back from the land down under, with erotic stories to share ....), but the erratic weather.

One minute it's pouring like gushes of cum after a week's worth of celibacy, and the other moment the heat torches the skin like being couped up in some steaming dry sauna. 

Hmm, been some time since my last visit to a sauna. Now would be a timely opportunity. Since Simon's not even aware of my location. ;)

Anyway, as of late, both of us were thick in our quests of seeking for greener pastures. A major leap of faith for me, as this might mean a complete change to my current pace and manner of life; and I will definitely be making my virginal (hehe) appearances alongside Simon back in the Klang Valley.

So if you're fond of discovering how ogre-like Horny BF looks like in real life, please drop me or Simon a message. I shall be honoured to blow (kinky?) your mind off.

Better yet, got a room to spare? Horny BF can definitely do with one soon ...... somehow, sharing with some PLU's sounds so much more palatable than say, being in the centre of attention of some close-knitted families. Last thing that I wanna hear is "Where is your GF ah?" from some nosy aunties! :)

Here's a video I want to share with everyone, and NO. Unlike the usual tradition of Simon to be posting nude/semi-nude, but barely there shots of hot twinks, Horny BF can't be bothered to search deep into the archive and please the beast in you.

But this certain Sam Tsui of Youtube fame,got my interest piqued for more reasons than one. Watch his rendition of Don't Stop Believing (a rework of the song originally by Journey, then rose to fame again thanks to Glee) and tell me what you think. Hehehe .... we can always do with another twinkish American-Chinese in the mix.


  1. I like this video among others video he did..:)

  2. Excellent! Love his rendition! ;P

  3. Dear Horny bf.. if ever those nosy aunties asked for yr gf.. just bring simon and introduce him.. simple! hehe.

  4. I, for one will surely love to meet and know who is the ogre-like bf who has been keeping simon in reins for eight long years....or maybe its the other way round??

  5. Marky's Little DevilOctober 29, 2010 at 12:57 PM

    my family is very very nosy too >.<

    anyway, seen this guy before...nice song hehe...

  6. That Sam Tsui is a cutie and some of his videos are so cool. If he can make a video like this of singing with himself, I wonder if he could make a porn of him having an orgy with himself LOL !!
