

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wake Me Up When September Ends?

In a flash, September's drawing to a close. We Malaysians are blessed with so many public holidays, it's not even funny anymore. Seriously.

This month alone, we have the Raya celebrations; the holy month of Syawal superseding the fasting month of Ramadan. Two days off, but to some the Saturday was a waste. Since most private companies and all the government organizations practise the 5 days working week ruling now. Shucks you say?
No worries. Starting this year, we have Hari Malaysia. A celebration to commemorate the forming of Malaysia back in 1963, on September the 16th. Of course, Singapore has since broken free from this coalition. (Smart move? No comment ....) But to those living in East Malaysia (or the Borneo continent; namely Sabah and Sarawak), this is a cause for rejoice. Wait, I was told that they have been enjoying this Hari Malaysia holiday since aeons ago. Oh well. Then the ones in Peninsular Malaysia can jump now?

Whatever it is, the BIG day is coming soon. With the 3rd of October marked on the calendar, I am biting my fingernails with glee and anticipation. No, NOT for the second season of Glee, though that should be coming to our shores before the end of the year. Love the Britney/Brittany snippets available on Youtube now.

But let's say, this should be a cause for celebration. The end of the Seven Year Itch.

Now dear. Should we go for Steaks? Seafood? Japanese? Or plain mind-numbing union of the sweaty, pheromone-infused bodies? Your call.

Horny BF Rants


  1. what is the third of october jek?

  2. No. There was no public holiday for East M'sians until this year.

  3. tuls, its his itchyness. :P

    steak/seafood/japs. wow..

    as for the previous comment, it just so happen lar. rite nicky? nicky... where r u? :P thanks :)

  4. I am from Sarawak. This is the first time there is a holiday for Hari Malaysia.

  5. At last you back..hehe. I thought you MIA already..:P

  6. Oh ... sorry. There was a person that told me it's a public holiday there all these years.
    Someone whom used to work in Sabah for the past three years.

    Guess he's loco?

    Thanks people for clearing that up.
    Not MIA lah, not good in writing ma ....

  7. Bye-bye 7 year itch, hello 8 year itch? :P

  8. now we all can celebrate malaysia day! good

  9. ooo~ are those you guys in the photo? It is isn't it? sexay! Congrats on the seven years itch ;)

  10. @Fable: this is actually the 3rd time that da pic made its appearance! =P
