

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gay Witch-Hunting News in Singapore 2010.

Here are some gay-related stories that can be found on the internet. It seems that the Singaporean aunthorities ( and Malaysians as well! ) are still trying to be the moral guardian of their society by quietly cracking down on gay-related activities. founder charged with drug possession  10 September 2010

Chief executive and founder of lifestyle portal, Dr Stuart Koe, was charged in court on Wednesday with possessing 0.01 gram of methamphetamine ( aka "Ice" )

The 38-year-old Singaporean was also charged with possessing utensils used in drug consumption like a plastic dropper and an empty straw that was stained with methamphetamine.

The drug and utensils were found in a flat in Holland Avenue on May 27 at 12.55am. Dr Koe faces a jail term of up to 10 years or a maximum fine of $20,000 or both on the charge of drug possession.

On the other charge, he can be jailed up to three years or fined up to $10,000 or both. Dr Koe told the court that he will claim trial and will be engaging a lawyer.

Smoking crystal - met aka ICE!

About Stuart Koe

Dr.Stuart Koe ( Pharm.D 1995 ) is founder and CEO of Fridae (founded 2000), Asia’s largest gay and lesbian media and networking portal. The pioneering website ( has traffic exceeding 2 million visitors each month from across Asia, is one of the most trusted sources of news and information by the region’s gay and lesbian community.

In 2007, Stuart was one of central figures in a campaign to repeal 377A, which though unsuccessful, is viewed to be one of Singapore civil society’s first large scale campaigns,

Section 377A of the Penal Code of Singapore is the main remaining piece of legislation which criminalises sex between mutually consenting adult men. Section 377A ("Outrages on decency") states that:
Any male person who, in public or private, commits, or abets the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any male person of, any act of gross indecency with another male person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2 years.
In 2009, he was one of the founding members of, now Singapore’s largest annual anti-discrimination rally. Stuart is also a founding committee member of MARUAH – the Working Group for An ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism, Singapore. Stuart currently serves as Vice Chair of APCOM (Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health) and is the Community Representative for Developed Asia on the APCOM Governing Board, as well as a Trustee of the Action for Aids Endowment Fund in Singapore. He has been active in HIV and AIDS advocacy since 1995, serving 4 terms on the Board of Aids Concern in Hong Kong and 2 as an ExCo member of Action for Aids. Stuart has an interest in Internet-based HIV interventions and online research design and methodology. He holds a Doctor of Pharmacy specialising in HIV pharmacotherapy from the University of Minnesota.

Man charged over gay sex act in toilet
AFP, Sep 9, 2010

A SINGAPOREAN gay man has been charged with having oral sex in a public toilet, in breach of the city-state's ban on sexual acts between men. 

Tan Eng Hong, 47, is alleged to have committed the offence in March inside the toilet cubicle of a popular shopping mall in the Singapore's business and shopping district.

[ Hahaha..I remember way back in 2003-2004, I purposely went to Ngee Ann City's 4th floor toilet cubicle for a pee ( beside Kinokuniya ) after reading from that it's a very cruisy place to go. True to it, the guy next to my cubicle ( No thanks to the large cubicle and exposed ~40cm from the floor, partition ) - A guy next to me was slipping his naked thigh over the partition while jerking, before exposing his rock hard cock! - Haha...I was so tempted to grab his cock! But then.. I'm not that courageous back then...So, I quickly left the cubicle....Hehehe. And later on that day, me & the Horny One managed to return to the scene, and had fun with ourselves instead! - Though the fear of getting caught overwhelmed the sexual sensations, we end up leaving the place & do it at home instead! Hahaha ]

Homosexuality is not illegal in Singapore, but sex between men is criminalised under the penal code, despite amendments in 2007 which legalised oral and anal sex for heterosexual couples. The code encompasses "any act of gross indecency" and carries a sentence of up to two years in jail, according to the attorney general's website.

Recent data on the number of people convicted under the code was not immediately available, but figures given by Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng in a parliamentary reply in 2007 showed 185 people were convicted between 1997-2006.

Police entrapment of gay cruising spots in Singapore. 
Jul 14, 2010

For more than 16 years, there has not been a single entrapment conducted by the Singapore police in regard to gay cruising activities at popular haunts. Looks like this is going to change with the recent report in the New Paper:

On May 4, the police conducted an anti-vice operation at the old cemetery along Jalan Kubor, an area known for vice. The police declined to to give details of the vice activities.
A plainclothes policeman was standing alone in a poorly lit spot when he was approached by Jagadiswaran Krisnan, 32, a coffee house supervisor, at about 10.40pm. Jagadiswaran struck up a conversation with the undercover cop.
Two other police officers were stationed a short distance away, ready to provide help.
While talking to the officer, Jagadiswaran, a Malaysian, moved closer to him. He told the officer that he was there “to have fun”.
Then, he suddenly raised his hand and stroked the officer’s chest and private parts.
That was when the undercover cop identified himself and, with the help of his colleagues, arrested the man. Jagadiswaran was charged with behaving in an indecent manner in a public place. He was fined $1,000 on Tuesday.
It seems that Singaporean ( and Malaysian ) Gays need to be careful especially when cruising in public places. The powers-that-be are always readily available to catch us at any available chance! With that, we can only hope that the future of homosexuals in both countries will not remain bleak forever. =(


  1. is having sex at home in sg a criminal breach?

  2. Luckily u didnt grab it or else caught in red handed then we will in newspaper HEADLINE..:P

  3. Pharm. D. le... So can we expect you to be Malaysia's Dr. Stuart?

  4. HEhehee...

    Anyway.. most gays in Singapore knew how to behave.. dont let a few bad rotten ones spoil it all :P
