

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Postcards From Heaven!

Hmmm....The weekend has come & go in a flash of time. Working on both days doesn't help either. My weekend was spent on surfing, house chores, washing & polishing my car as well as watching the Thomas & Uber Cups.

The reason why i hate tidy'ing my room is because i'm a "keeper-kinda" guy. I don't really like to throw things away. I keep, and keep, and keep ( or rather, stashing it away in few big boxes? ). And one thing that i really HATE the most is -- "Having teary eyes whenever i look through the old collections" -- Be it cinema tickets, shopping receipts, restaurant receipts, old diaries & pictures, old scribblings --Each item made me reminisce the events that took place back then and one couldn't help stopping the tears from falling especially with all sweet memories coming back to haunt you. Hahahahaha.....

That's why, Simon Lover is also notorious for taking his own sweet time while tidy'ing. Out of the items that were left spreading on the entire floor & bed, chances are 75% of it will end up back into the boxes - again. And God knows when will the next time Simon Lover does his spring cleaning once again!!! - Hahaha

The same goes for Simon Lover's picture collections! Thousands of pictures stored in the laptop can really cause a big headache to Simon Lover if it's not arranged systematically. And yet, the infamous "Procrastination" has prevailed once more~!

It's already the middle of May, and with my Birthday & Wesak Holidays coming soon, i think should start posting regularly. If not, i can't achieve my tagline of "The World Of Sexy Men Is Meant To Be Shared With All The Sexy Guys Out There In The World And That Includes You Too!" - Muacks from Simon Lover!

( p/s: Pardon guys for not replying your comments. Lately there is something wrong with my browser. Sometimes I can't fully load my entire post appropriately or it's either very very slow -- Maybe i should start cutting back on the widgets & keeping minimal pictures in one post? )

In the meantime, "Malaysians can only wish that we have these kinda educational Postcards on "Sexually Transmitted Diseases" available in our country - as compared to our Southern counterpart....


  1. Hoarder? I believe it. Sure got porn and skanky pics from F4 punya era!

  2. owh the post cards are really from heaven :)

  3. i used to a keeper too, but over the years, i just cant stand it anymore, the things were stacking too high till no more space! so i just throwed everything away!

  4. LOL.... singapore has funny funny postcards that i used to collect when i was working in singapore.. but after a while.. too much to carry back, so i gave it all away lol..

  5. Keeper kind of guy?
    Okay, good thing you're with me, a definite THROWER! :)

    I wonder what would happen if we are to stay together ... someday.

  6. But but... the photos!!!

    Having the same problem.. cluttering photos in my laptop.

    BTW... freaking awesome postcards. XD
