

Thursday, April 15, 2010

You Can Go Dream Or Go Dreaming In Office!

Today is just another typical & routine day in the office for me. Life is getting more & more mundane as years goes by. The time is 10.30am. Me and my staff will usually have our tea break in our office. ( Well, at least better than any other government officials who usually goes out to have their hour-long minum pagi ler.. ). Me sipping my coffee on my office table, surfing the net. [ Let me clarify first, though i'm online'ing at the moment, by no means saying that i'm compromising my work ok. Some people can kill two birds with one stone! - Hahaha ].

Arrghhh....It  makes one feels very sleepy as well especially if you start your day with this kinda mood. And It seems that the Blues does not only discriminate Mondays!!!!! --- Hellllppp.....!!!! - So, do anyone of you get the Blues besides Monday as well?!!!!

Here are some old pictures as well. Take care from Simon Lover!
[ p/s: How i wish i can sleep so sexily like the guy below! ]

He must be having an exciting dream!!!!

This kind of expression makes him look like he's being anal!!! Hehe
Opening your legs wide open during sleep makes one very vulnerable to unwanted advances! - Behave my dear!

Yes...Sometimes i do fell asleep while listening to my mp3 player.
I like to have lotsa pillows around me to hug while i sleep! Hehe
But most importantly, the nicest sleep is always hugging your love one before falling asleep!

Not forgetting an additional idol-fantasizing dream to spice up your sleep as well!!!

-- Hot Taiwanese Male Singer & Superstar, Wang Lee-Hom! 王力宏 --

Which indirectly leads me to asking you guys, " How often do you guys have wet dream?!!!! " - Well, if you guys feel slightly embarrassed to answer my curiosity, you can drop by under the "Anonymous" Nick oh! Hehe ---


  1. eventhough im working in gov side like u also, but i can never understand their working culture. why izzit that they need a 30min to 1 hour break between BREAKFAST and LUNCH hour? totally waste of time and productivity! I always take breakfast before starting work at 8am. If i follow the rest, my work will never finish cos no one else can do my donkey job!

  2. Obviously the sleeping boys are all dreaming about Simon Lover. But will they have a wet dream? We'll never know. Sigh! - Ian

  3. i totally can understand the culture, from what i heard its a culture from colonial time, we hv adopted the british culture kekekee...

    wet dream? hmm not on regular basis lor, it normally happen when i dont self-please for sometimes (mayb few days), or when im too tensed? or tired :P

  4. I don't get monday blues wor... Last time in schooling time got la.

    As for wet dream... Tak pernah =.="

  5. Wet Dreams? Once in a blue moon lor. I sometimes sleep like the guy in the first pic... hands get subconsciously naughty at times... :P

  6. yea.. seems like when i get too tired it happens...

  7. don't remember any wet dream since maybe decades ago :P :P i 'release' quite frequently :P

  8. I never have any wet dream anymore since i learnt what wanking is :)

    so yeah..

    anyway, i dont always hug people.. the people i hug must be someone that i like.. and to hug to sleep, hmm.. dun realli like it.. my arm will go numb in the middle of the night and i will feel so uncomfortable that i will push the person away to release my arm lol.........

    but thats not the case if im the one being hugg...

  9. @Blue: Well, i do symphatize the workload 4gov docs. Heard today it has been reduced to 4years jor!Kheksei hor!Gov always flip-flop the policies...p/s: Me also ate BF before going to work, bt then by 10am already start to feel a lil' hungry! Hehe. Well, nt that i always hv wantanmee for BF ler...

    @Ian: You might never know, but maybe they are actually dreaming about sexy Ian?!!!

    @HGLO: Haha. Yup. Some ppl stil get wet dream esp if they didn't TFK for a period of time!

    @Bravebear: Well, thn let Pikey do his trick in your dreams k!

    @William: You gt so many tight, colorful undies!Hw to have erection evry morning?!!! Kheksei -

    @Kidz: Well, evy one do feels tired at least once in their lifetime oh.

    @JK:Haha. Yup. Guys who release too often usually don;t hv wet dreams leh. Hamsap!

    @Takashi:I wonder if a person sneaks under ur blanket, & gave u a wonderful blowjob while u r still in a subconscious mind, ur ejaculation is still considered as wet dream bor? Since u r not awake too...Hehehehe ( p/s: Usually we will get numbed too..That's why only hug before falling asleep. Haha )

  10. It has been some time as well. Since I'm blessed (or cursed) with such phenomena in the middle of the night.

    Kinda annoying sometimes, when you're in deep slumber, and BOOM! it happened.

  11. lol, i never release often but i never had any wet dreams b4

  12. the third pic is so turning me on~! :P

  13. i did not have wet dream anymore since i started to masturbate :P
