

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Our Theme Songs!

This is the 4th-weekend in a row, that i'm back in the Land Of Bak-Kut-Teh.The only difference this time is that i opted for the 6-hour gruelling bus ride instead!

Armed with my 6-year old, 256MB-only, Creative MP3 Player ( Hahahaha -I am so NOT-Gay! ), it helped me kill my time, besides the occasional dozing-off sessions. Hahaha..

Appropriately titled, Enya's "On My Way Home",  the chorus definitely strike a chord with me.

On my way home, I remember, only good days.
On my way home, I remember, all the best days.
I'm on my way home, I can remember, every new day.

So, this brings about some of the The Theme Songs, that brings back sweet memories for me & the Horny One. ( Please do not puke,okay! )

"Addictive" by Truth Hurts feat. Rakim
It was way back in 2002, when me & the Horny,were just barely starting our relationship. The song was hot on back then. Me used to go over to the Horny One's hostel room while he'll switch on, his room mate's radio. A lot of chatting, hugging & "flip-flopping" sessions happened everytime we were left alone in da room. Once, i browsed his handphone's address book and interrogated him, each and every friend's number & their relationship with the Horny One! Hehehe...

"Round And Round" by Sugarbabes.
The year was 2004. And the Horny One just got a new polyphonic ringtone handphone, Nokia 3100. One of his favorite ringtones was Sugababes' "Round & Round". It was also the same song, when we were in his aunt's house, on the "Bed" that started it all, that we watched the 2004 Election results! Karpal Singh lost, so was Lim Kit Siang and Abdullah won 94% of the seats in Parliment! I was massaging the Horny One ( after a tiring Sabah / Kota Kinabalu trip ) when he fell asleep, while i continued watching the results till 2am kot! Hehe.

"Hung Up" by Madonna
Hahaha..My favourite Singer! The Horny One dreads travelling with me in my car..Especially when the FM Modulator is plugged-in ! Hehehe. It was way back in Oct 2005, when i waited anxiously for the worldwide grand premiere of the song, in Ryan Seacrest's American Top 40 ( ). One of her best songs in the noughties. I used to sit on the Horny One's lappy and shout "I'm Hanging Up On You!" - It was also in Singapore's Heeren's ( during our Dec 2005-Singapore trip - It was also our last Singapre-Trip TOGETHER too....Sigh....Maybe this year we'll make a trip Down South?! ), where i finally get to see the MTV for the first time as well!

"I'm Not Missing You" by Stacie Orrico
Hahaha. One of our favorite theme songs, I'm Not Missing You was heavily played back in 2006. It was also during the trip of me going to a NOT-SO-FAR-AWAY-LAND, ( compared to the current FAR-FAR-AWAY-WORKLAND ) were i was posted to work, accompanied by the Horny One. Well, that moment was also one of our saddest because it was also the first time that we were separated from living together after 4years during University Days...

爱上一个人 by Sammi Cheng ( Theme Song for "My Left Eye Sees Ghost" )

The Horny One's favourite chinese singer, Sammi Cheng! I have never watched "My Left Eye Sees Ghost" 我左眼见到鬼,   on cinema before, instead i watched it on our Local TV. It was a very nice & touching movie indeed. I didn't expect the ending to be that way.  The song was played when Sammi Cheng, finally realized that Lau Ching Wan's character, is her husband-in-disguise and tried several times to contact him, especially the "Superman" pose, to call her husband's spirit one last time!...Well, this song has somehow become our theme song as well, especially when we are in nothing-better-to-do situation where we will think that someday, one of us will be leaving us and it will definitely be very difficult for the other half! -- Sob..sob.

And so, those are some of the songs that bring back memories for us. There are still many songs to be included, but then, due to time constraint [ I'm actually blogging @Petaling Street's McDonalds and the time is already 4.30pm...And i need to take another bus back home, where i shall reach @5.30pm. Just in time for my cousin's wedding dinner @ 7.30 pm lor! ]..I have to end it here.

In the meantime, here is one lengchai-gwailo, who sat opposite me @ McD..Sorry for the weird poses of him..Well, i was actually trying to snap him sneakily ma...He look much better in person and his red-underwear is visibly seen everytime he bends over & also while washing his hands@the tap. Faint!!!!

Any takers?!! Hehehehe..And you guys thought, finally there's no hunks from Simon Lover somemore! Yikes!


  1. Enya is a good choice. I sure will tidur! Your spy cam skills are great!

  2. Great spy cam, and great gwailo too!!! why no pic on the red underwear *drools*

  3. Wah!! I love Sammi Cheng tooooooo...XD

  4. Hmm. Sure glad the gwailo did not spank your a$$.

  5. awww... so sweet, all the song that reminds u the sweet moment :)
    and the kwailo is hot :P

  6. Oooer, should be better tasting than McDs beef patty.

  7. wonderful memories. and truth hurts wif rakim is shizz, neva fails to put one in the mood!

  8. I know that background and the location of the Mc D..

    The Mc D just beside Petaling Street :D

  9. helo, if u dont mind is there any link that can dl the sammi song? Have been searching all this while but cant get coz dont understand chinese

  10. @William: Haik! I've realized that it was a ciplak video ler! I hv updated a better Enya version one. Haha. Not so sleepy instead. Nice ma..Not nice ma? U can fall asleep in ur KH arms ma....

    @Hide & Seek: Haha..He bent down so fast. Hw to take?!

    @Horny1: Haha. Yalor. Reli afraid kena caught. Plus i'm using my digicam tim!

    @HGLO & Grat: Haha. U guys so ngam key one? Any hope for ....? =P

    @Kenni: Glad u like Addictive as well =)

    @Anonymous: Hm. I download it thru P2P-Limewire. If u dun mind, u can drop me ur email, & i'll mail it to u. Or u can ask Nicky05 ( see above ) whether he can help find Sammi's mp3 for u or not?

    @Jerry: Haha. Yup. Petaling St's McD. You always "cruise" around there one isit!

  11. hahahaha the song that i like became our theme song, but the song that beau likes i don't like. hahahhahahahahahahahah :P
