

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Delicious "Fettucine Carbonara"!

I remember the first time i went into an Italian Restaurant was way back in December 24th, 2004. Me & the Horny One were in our 3rd Year of University. Since our housemates have all gone back to their respective hometowns, me and the Horny One decided to have a sweet, candle light Christmas Eve Dinner together.

After driving around the town of Georgetown, Penang, we finally decided to crash into Ristorante Bella Italia, @ Pulau Tikus.... Hahaha... Making a rash decision of entering a fine dining restaurant was so NOT us because we were still students back then and thriftiness is synonymous with Simon Lover.

I can't really recall what we ordered exactly, but one thing for sure, I had my first Fettucine Carbonara ever on that beautiful night while the Horny One had a Pepperoni Pizza. As for the drinks, i think we only had warm water ( Hahahaha...Kiam Siap! Stingy! ) and there were no desserts. The romantic candle-lit atmosphere though, was enough to make us "full" for that night, whilst making some other guests to puke as well, especially seeing two gay-boys "pak-tor'ing" in the restaurant! Hahaha....

Ahhh....Sweet Memories indeed. =)

So, what is the story above has any connections with today's post?!!!!

Hahahahaha...Actually None-lor! It was just a coincidence that i bumped into some gay comics in this blog, Alessio In Wonderland, that somehow managed to project the preparation of a plate of fettucine carbonara into a provocative fucking frenzy!

Hahahaha. hope you guys enjoy the Fettucine Carbonara that i have prepared for you guys ya! Muacks from Simon Lover!

Haha..I guess that old lady has never tasted cum before-lor!.......

( p/s: For those who have seen the post earlier on @about 6.30 - 11.00 pm, this is the updated version because i accidentally missed out two captions of the comic! - My apologies ya. )


  1. LOLZ
    Imagine how they have to milk themselves dry like cows if there were 100 orders of carbonara!

    I wuz gonna make myself pasta tonite. It's sooooo gonna be tomato-based now. :P

  2. @Ant:
    Tomato-based = darah haid. :P

  3. @Will
    Tak takut pun tu air haid! takda kartun geli :P

  4. Ho hum. And there I was wondering what's the reason you suddenly asked about that first Xmas Eve dinner.

  5. What the...?! Usually when someone dislikes the customers (or bosses wife), they spit in their food, not cum in them! By gosh~ This will serve as a good reminder to not piss off the people who cook/handle my food.

    Btw, I like how they practice safe-sex even in comics ^_^

  6. Eh is there any missing pages? Somehow the first, second and third pages aren't well-connected. Not that it matters hehe~

  7. @Hide & seek: Oops! U're right! I have updated the comics d. Shud be complete. Paiseh ah.

    @Evann: Actually, we'll never know what's going on back there anyway. Just don't think too much abt it nia.

  8. this is such a nice comic!! haha....if this is real, i guess it's awesome!!! very nice fantasy ~
