

Monday, February 22, 2010

STUD - Malaysia's Latest Sexy Underwear / Swimwear Brand!

Ahh...The terrible Monday Blues....Especially after a one-week break..Don't know what to blog about..So, here's a little introduction of Malaysia's Latest Sexy Underwear & Swimwear by Malaysia's sexiest designer, Jonathan Cheng and his "partner"-in-crime, Voon Lai, STUD!

It was launched late 2009 and STUD's design philosophy is to create fashion that fits well, feels good and looks great, enabling every Man to be able to express himself and feel confident in his own skin.. For more information, u can visit here: ( Price ranges from RM 40 - RM 100 )

  • ( Official Website )
  • Facebook Fan Page
  • STUD Counter in Tangs, Pavilion,Kuala Lumpur.
  • Philosophy-Men Outlets - KLCC, Pavilion, MidValley, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Sportsmen Asia Outlet in Singapore.
( I guess underwear fan-si like William, Derek, Eric, Meticulous David has owned some of STUD's underwears by now lor...Hiao ah! )


 Who wants to drip their XXX all over him?!! Hehe



Though i feel proud that Malaysia finally produces such wonderful underwears for us guys ( Besides Private Structure as well ), i think STUD should have opted for a Malaysian Model instead. C'mon, I'm sure we can find a Sexy Malaysian Model that definitely ignite our CockHeads instantaneously, right?!!!

The Sexy Malaysian Fashion Designer, Jonathan Cheng ( the one with some moustache ) and his Partner-In-Crime, Voon Lai.

Igor, The Brazillian Model of STUD, appearing on the cover of the sexy French Gay Magazine, Tetu, Jan 2010
 Some behind the scenes of Igor's photo-taking sessions...WEAR IT PROUD!


( So, Anyone willing to buy STUD underwears for my Birthday in 3 months time? Very easy..I Don't need to test-fit one. Buy Size "S" can ady...)

Hahahahaha...Till Then...Muacks From Simon!


  1. Well, I don't own a pair yet. I find it over-priced! The S looks REALLY SMALL. Like kids underwear. :P

  2. ehhhh...does it comes with catwalk from male model when i visit their shop bcos im not which underwears to buy.......S size...ehhhh..M size is better lo....:p

  3. n this explains simon's fetish over underwears. :P

  4. I already have my first pair of STUD for my birthday .. hehehe thanks to someone :)

  5. sexy and so does the designer :P

  6. Wish they'd stop overdoing the photoshopping - the skin looks like plastic.
    I often download your images for my collection and lately I find the downloaded image is about two thirds smaller than when I see it on your page. Any idea why? - Ian

  7. William: Yes ah. Thn i better go Pavilion check it out 1st!

    Nicky: I think M shud suits u well. =)

    Shakira: Haha. Well, i wouldn;t mind if it's a gift =P

    Koala:Everyone has a fetish i think? Haha. Or rather, a hobby?

    Takashi: And whr is the pics leh?!

    Happy Go Lucky: Haha. Maybe we both also look like the designers leh? Hehe

    Ian: Yup. Very smooth indeed. I hv emailed u the explanation.

  8. You got tagged. Go to my blog and read what you should do next. Hehehe...

  9. U want an S size for ur bday? :)
    okay. I'll try. Now who wants to shop w the Horny BF?

  10. Gosh, I gotta get out and get myself a pair!

  11. They look great but remember the cock make th man
    Can be best simwear but yiu have to have the cock to go with it
