

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Remain Defiant?

Someone is a total narcissist, or in other word, cam-slut? -
Slut#1 : Someone likes to take nude pictures of --- and sometimes, share it with --- whom he/she barely knew. ( and it's nothing to do with you, Ten ).



Slut #2 -- Someone likes to shower in the nude @ swimming pools ( Kelana Jaya anyone? ) especially when there is a suspected --- lengchai around.



And someone doesn't know how to repent himself. Shall remaining defiant is a good option? Hmmm....2 stubborn sluts ( yes, and i meant BOTH ) at a loggerhead. Most the time, white lies can be disasterous - Anyone? And so, the prediction is true, it is indeed a ROARING way to start The Year Of The Tiger!


  1. Some things are hard to change, but then, we must weigh the price.

  2. As I had feared, you have deleted my post as soon as you read it. How defiant can one gets?

    Surely this comment will be deleted soon enough, but Simon, the TRUE meaning of WHITE LIES should not be misinterpreted.

    White Lies are supposed to be harmless, and meant no harm, nor hazard to either parties. But TRUE LIES, spoken to cover one's guilt and mess are NOT harmless. For once the truth prevails, it may already be too late for any amendment.

    Don't cloud the readers with a one-sided perspective, please. Be fair and tell it like it is.

  3. Oh dear.
    You guys are in disagreement?
    Take it easy, guys.
    No one is perfect.

    Simon,whatever it is...
    always remember the real
    reasons why you blog...
    helps to put things in perspective for me all the time.


  4. Whatever it is you are facing, don't let negative and destructive emotions/feelings cloud pass before you make any judgments... it will be less hurtful maybe. Take care...

  5. William, Shakira, JK: Thanks for the regards. You guys take care too.

    Horny BF: The blog has nvr been a very personal blog. It's meant to entertain the world of horny plu(s). Not to show whether i'm a good @ bad boy. The way u air our dirty linens over the cyberworld it's not something that i will take lightly either. True Lies or White Lies...Both of us have our fair share of it too. And please read my words carefully before you comment anything.

  6. WOW...

    I think I will stay out of this feud...

    Talk to me soon.. I'm being emo anyway...

  7. though i dont knw wht is happening, is best to give and take, a sorry sometimes seems hard to say it, but 1 hv to take the step, such a long term relationship already, dont let anything break it apart, valentine day is coming, may it be a happy 1 for both of u =)

  8. oh, it's so bad... never think like that. It's normal for a couple to led a cat and dog life, but dunt take it seriously. Hey, man, Give ur bf some skin!Valentine day is coming soon!

  9. just when I thought there is indeed true love in the plu circle... nothing last in this circle and that's the truth? How sad...

  10. hmm actually i have been hesitating whether to comment or not, as im not very sure abt whats going on.
    its kinda sad to know that u guys r going through all these difficulties. i hope u (and the horny bf) r coping well.
    from my understanding u guys have been together for 7years liao, dont rush into anything that u might regret later. if its unsalvageable, at least end it in good terms.
    but if its salvageable, then lets work it out slowly :)
    we r human and we r imperfect, instead of focusing on the imperfections, why not look at the bigger picture?
    take care and wish u guys all the best :)

  11. wish u guys all the best..there is always a way in solving probs....ok..

  12. Best to settle your disagreements privately, not on the net, no matter who is right or wrong. Your readers obviously admire both of you and could be forced into taking sides. Bad move. Especially if they are only getting one side.

    You have been together a long time and that's something to be proud of and an example to all of us. Every couple has arguments and misunderstandings. Its part of a relationship.

    Both of you take a deep breath, talk to each other - not yell - and work it out. It may take five mins to kiss and make up, it may take a lot longer. But do it in private. - Ian (your substitute Mother)

  13. ha! see....kena scold liao lorr...yum char...and talk nicely mah..on my treat ok?

  14. haizzzzzz.......7 years relationship just like that.....Lol...Im speechless right now....I feel like want to slap both of you...make you wake up and remember those 7 years memories you guys together lol...........haizzzzz

  15. Simon, I love your blogs being the reason why I have been following your bloq quietly for a long time.

    It saddens all your idols when your horny bf uploaded something so damaging into your blog.

    Seven years is not a short period, in fact 7 weeks can already be considered long enough for a PLU love relationship.

    I hope both of you settle your heartaches offline. Horny bf is a bit emotional, so please cool him down.

  16. William: For those u wanna know what was the reason that we fought, u guys can kacau William. He's a good listener. Hahahaha. But expect some diff versions esp when the stories are passed to one another. Hehehe

    Takashi: Thanks 4d smses. Muacks!

    Evann: Erm, u wanna exchange with me? Hahaha. Oops! COntrol myself!

    Kenny, Happy Go LUcky, Hafiz, Nicky, ANonymous : My sincere apology to u guys. Paiseh k! Hugs from Simon!

    Ten Chunk: Hehehe. Which one is the BF? Me or Him? Hehe. Give some "skin"?! Scandalous

    Nycboy: And i hope your relationship will be a role model to us too. HUgs fr Simon!

    Ian: It took us..Hmmm...4days to "make up". That was "long" eh? Thanks dear!

    Paul J: How u wanna "treat"? Again, strictly no threesome ah...! =P
