

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Will Officially Be A Super Warlord @ My Workplace In A Month's Time.

Goodbye my friend (I know you're gone, you said you're gone, but I can still feel you here) - The first sentence from The Spice Girls, "Goodbye" chorus...

When i was first posted in this far-far-away land, i was courageous enough to come all the way, 350km from home, alone. Then, 2 weeks later, i was joined by 3 new colleagues that were "unluckily", posted to my workplace too. We were considered as the original pioneers in our Department. Since we were the only chinese in our organization, almost everyday we had our lunch, dinner & pastime activities or even short getaways together..Working and "scheming" cunningly together ( hehehe..especially taking illegal off-days, hahahaha...Oops! Once in a while nia! Really! ).for the past 2.5 years.

One of them left us in 2008. We sorely missed the colleague because we have lost one cute girl for us to play with during our "teasing" sessions. Then, another one left us a few months back and as for today, my colleague got his transfer back to his hometown, leaving me, the remaining Heavenly Prince & Princess Gang, spearheading my Department as the Super Warlord of the organization. ( why? because i will be the most senior and the longest-serving one compared to the 4 new junior colleagues ma ).

Well, there's nothing wrong for colleagues to come and go. It's a fact of life. So far, the old & new batches of workmates get along well ( Maybe because those who are willing to come & work in a far-far-away land without any resistance, usually mean those who are from the goodie-goodie, Yes-Sir kinda people? ). It's just that, ( though i know, the Heavenly Prince & Princess Gang will break-up eventually ), i feel sad everytime i see them leaving me behind, one-by-one. ( Though again, i know it's either me or them who will leave eventually too ).

So, it's the time again for the landlords, landladies, concerned aunties & uncles of the town population, cheeky or rather sarcastic, subordinates, to ask me, " So, when is your turn, ah?! - How many years u have been here? -- Wah, that's a long time ady wor -- Continue work here lar -- "Hou Sek, Hou Zhue,yao Hou Tak Han" ( Good Food, Good Home & Very Less Workload too ) -- Somemore you are the BOSS here -- If you go to BIGGER organization, you are only a "zhut jai" ( ant-worker? ) only --  STAY, STAY...

And so, for my colleague who will be leaving us soon, i wish him ALL THE BEST in his new workplace & hopefully he does not disappoint me, in a way or another lar, especially in mixing with those "kow" faker colleagues which i hate. ( Hahaha..Since, it was me, who lobbied hard for him to get his transfer too.Well, after working for 2.5 years as the Boss, i do exude some power-playing in my HQ too. Clashes of opinions ( in a good way lar ) between me & my HQ Boss has become a norm ever since i knew i couldn't get my transfer - and do not underestimate, a petite, slim twink like me for being a softie kinda guy for u shall get a thousand stabs from me if ever you try to assassinate me politically  ). Initially, the position was offered to me one. But after a long hard consideration, in order to avoid any rumours ( The Horny BF is actually working over there ), i had to let go of the post and instead, should start focusing on my next career move asap in the new year. 

Well, enough of complaints. I shall missed my beloved colleague. Wishing him all the best and hopefully, one day, The Great Heavenly Prince & Princess Gang, will reunite and charmed the WORLD again! ( hahahaha...crazy fella...well, one of our favorite pastime activities is to "chui sui" @ "blow-water" @ "talk-cock" since we dun have much other activities to do ma. )


SPICE GIRLS - GOODBYE - Dedicating it to all my wonderful original colleagues who had accompanied me in this 2.5 years.


  1. how come no pic of half naked men gei??

  2. Hahaha.Cz i know u sien of half-naked guys ady ma. Scare over-stimulate you, thn u hv nothing left in ur gym sessions lor. U see i so sayang u?!!

  3. I can feel that longing. When one by one they're walking away from your life.

    Stay strong dear.

  4. Love this song. The Spice Girls look all grown up now.

  5. make sure u dun turn ur juniors into gays :) hahaha

  6. Horny Bf: Thanks. Haha. Bt will sure miss his laughter lor.

    Little Dove: Yup, love them too.

    Takashi: I forgot to mention, KHEK SEI! They send another nerdy looking weirdo guy over to my place! KHEKSEI! There's one lengchai graduating in February and my HQ couldn't wait for him to come out and replace my colleague pulak! So, confirmed i'm still the most lengchai among us 4 male colleagues! KHEKSEI!

  7. Goodbye my love, 我的爱人, 再见...

  8. Agree with Paul - we need half naked guys to help us get through Christmas and the trauma of shopping. :) - Ian

  9. epy new year simon! muackks!!!!

  10. William: Haha. Plz lar. I'm more lengchai than him. Just that he's a good fren of us nia.

    Ian: Hw cn u get trauma fr SHOPPING leh? It shud be a de-stressing activity since you can shop and in the meantime, being "Served" by cute salesboys as well. Hw tragic it can be? Hehehe

    Andy: Hahaha. Too early for Happy New Year? I shall wish u a very Happy Holidays instead ya! Muacks!

    Paul Paul: I think u can get real guys more easily than me lor!
