

Friday, December 11, 2009

Simon Lover Going Camping! Die! Die! Yikes!

Just to keep u guys updated, Simon Lover will be going for a camp in this few days. So, there insufficient time for me to do any scheduled post either.

This is actually my first time going camping nia. Plus..A very reluctant trip too...Hahaha...Just because my "hiao" friends keep asking me to follow them together since i have nothing to do this weekend too.

I'll have to sacrifice my comfy Queen Size Bed for a 6 person Tent, sleeping on the ground in a super-cold night.

Sleeping wise, shouldn't be a problem. But showering wise.....Die Die! I'll be bathing using a super cold lake-water throughout the entire trip! I can't rmbr whn was the last time i bath using cold water!!! Die Die! Sure will jump like hell while showering, with certain parts of your body retracting in tight positions too! Hahahahaha....

Food wise, hiking wise, bag carrying wise....Luckily there's other staff that will handle it. Me will just go there and enjoy nia ( Hopefully la )....

So, wish me luck! Hopefully i can survive the 1 day ordeal lor!!! And also..Hope it won't rain either because, if it rains...An armada of blood-sucking leeches will be unleashed!!! -- And that's when you'll see and hear Simon Lover's 5-octave voice, providing eerie echoes for the night, wakening up the unseen forces that surround the peaceful islands of the Loch Ness Lake!

Muacks from Simon Lover!


  1. Least can expand your 'hiao'-ness to the other friends.
    Like independence. Broke free.

  2. to HornyBF: haha.. sweet lah u two.. jeles!!

    u always go camping one de?


  3. Yuh, nothing to be jeles of lah ... aiyo. Sure Simon's feeling like an uncaged animal now. Aiks. ;)

  4. Will we hear stories of him skinny-dipping in the lake?

  5. William- i dont think he will skinny-dipping in the lake since he scared of cold water hahah..

  6. ohhh... those cold water.. i remember when im in ns..everyday i shower with cold water and no heated water....anyway enjoy ur camping trip lo....hehehe...XD

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. William : he won't. ever. for he can't take the chills. =P I am so bad. spamming his comments.

    SZ : correct correct. why u know him so well one? hmmmm ... scandalous. ;)

    nicky : oh, but simon can go without bathing for days. cold or hot, he okay one... right, simon?

  9. Not sure if he can be butch enough. Leave the embroidered pillow at home. Wear sensible shoes not high heels. Use soap to wash with not fragrant body bath. Forget about the moisturiser and hand lotions. Wear the same undies all weekend. And when the other real men fart in the tent during the night, don't whip out the air freshener. - Ian (Just kidding)

  10. hi! enjoy your trip. But while sleeping, don't get mistaken of hugging your colleague for hugging your horny-BF haha

  11. thanks for dropping by first of all. enjoy your camp. i am sure you will enjoy in the working of nature

  12. Horny Bf: Whr gt hiao?! So many ppl! Crazy ah?!

    Takashi: Oh. Forgot to mention it's my "first time" hor =).

    William:I did nt did any skinny dipping. Bt 1 Malay man did it in front of me lar when he suddenly took off his sarong & exposed his butt to me! Luckily he's a fit guy with a nice bod bt he's nt my type ler.

    Nicky: Oh. U went NS ah. I hv always wonder, does the boys in NS bath in open-concept showers ah? Hehe

    Ian: Haha. I did nt forget my moisturizers lor. Wink wink! And there were 3 people like us among th 60 plus real-men crowd! Hehehehe

    Just Becks: That's why, i only let ppl hug me..Nt the other way round. Till nw my gaydar also nt functioning well lor.

    Enduring Lv: Thanks ya!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Simonlover: yes....they need to wear underwear to take bath lol...XD

  15. aiks 1 day, very fast over one :P who knows you can drool at the other guys around as well, huhu... xD

    i went for a 4 days camp before. and god i wish i can leave after the first day xD

  16. Nicky: Yes ah?! Erm..Hahaha. Think u would know what i'm gonna ask u...Do you? =)

    Conan: Only 4 chinese nia and i'm the most handsome among them lor.=P
