

Friday, October 23, 2009

7th Heaven - One Night Stand With The Horny BF!

Hahahaha...There have been many requests asking me to continue my story of The Horny BF and I ( Countdown To The 7th Heaven - How Did I get To Know The Horny BF? ). People have been complaining that i've not been a storyteller for a long time already =) . The main reason why i have kept procrastinating is obviously due to my laziness lor. Posting sexy pics seems to be easier or rather, my forte as well. So, enough bombardments of sexy half-naked guys, today i shall exposed a lil' more of myself again...How Did I Get Started With The Horny BF?

The  Infamous Golden Haired ( Kam Mou ) Horny BF Coconut Hairstyle!

I have mentioned earlier that me & the Horny BF are coursemates, as well as hostel-mates. So, from the male-hostel block, there were only a handful of chinese guys, and on top of that, there are 3 of us from the same Faculty. Since our Faculty is quite nearby too, the 3 of us usually will meet up together for breakfast@lunch@dinner before walking to our Faculty. One thing leads to another, eventually we became good friends, since we were stucked in the same hostel anyway.

Finally its' the end of the semester ( September 2002 ). My friends decided to plan a trip to Genting before everyone return back to their respective hometowns. However, i couldn't make it cuz i had a wedding dinner in Johor! So, back then, this Horny BF of mine, is very superb ( and still is ) in "Mental Or Psychological Torturing Technique!". Every word that come out from his smiling face, yields a double-edged sword meaning! ( In cantonese -- kui kui dou yao kuat ah! -- Hahaha ).-- That automatically will make someone feel very remorse / regretful after hearing it.

Kui Kui Yao Kuat ah!!!

So, in order of not offending my new found friends ( we've only known for 1 semester ma, so, i didn't want to lose some friends lor ), i agreed to this Horny BF's request of joining him in KL after the Genting trip & also my Johor wedding trip.I can still remember vividly whn he came and fetch me at a LRT station. I have already felt so paiseh 2 face him and adding salt to it, was the Horny BF's 'kui kui dou yao kuat" sentences as well!!! Haahahaha......He was wearing a sleeveless Kenneth Cole Tee, if i'm nt mistaken....

Sexy BFF... =)

And so, we walked over to his spinster aunt's house that evening. The first dinner we had was @ Steven's Corner. I can still rmbr, yet again, that i ordered Mee Goreng while he ate Cheese Nan.And then, i think we ordered 1 Steven's infamous Roti Tisu as well -- Haha..Back then i was very "suaku" as well. It was my first time tasting a Cheese Nan & Roti Tisu!!!!! Hahahahaha...That explains why i ordered a Mee Goreng lor. Well, the Horny BF is not known as the Food Prince for nothing!

Malaysia's Roti Tisu! Delicious!

For your information -- I have never fantasized about the Horny BF like the way i fantasized those rape-material boys, throughout the entire semester before. I really like him as a GOOD friend of mine back then. And the only time that i really spied ( in cantonese - "kap"! ) on him was when he sat down with his legs wide open, exposing his shorts & me, trying to spy-spy whether can see his underwear or not, but to no avail!!!!! Hahahahahaha. ( p/s: I have never understand why the Horny BF liked this skinny boi in the first place -- Horny BF Rants: 7 Years With Simon Lover.)

He looked almost similar like that back then....hehehehe

The nite was late, and we went to bed together. The guest room only has a Queen-sized bed. Meaning we had to share the same bed lor. Again, i don't really like to share a bed with some one else. It feels very awkward & i'm not a light-sleeper as well. Throughout the nite, i only slept in 1 position, with my body & face, facing the other side while the Horny BF of mine was sleeping like a PIGGY ( and he's still is now ) in seconds.

Kinky me.....

Halfway in the middle of the night, i was still awake as usual, trying to sleep but still cant sleep ( i have a very terrible habit which i really dislike, that is, i can't sleep well in a new environment,e.g. hotel's bed, other people's room; especially the 1st few nights ).....Suddenly, i felt something behind my back. -- My back is still facing the Horny BF.I like to sleep with my knees bent & legs curved upwards. Suddenly, this guy of mine slowly crept his body nearer & nearer to me. My heart was already pounding like hell -- Thinking, hmm...this PIGGY over here really a WILD PIGGY, has no sleep manners -- meaning the guy is actually asleep, but his hands, legs or body like to flip here & there lor.

My heart was pounding like hell whn a hunk like that hugged me from behind!

So,i didn't care about it lor. Then suddenly, i felt something is wrong somewhere. This PIGGY is actually getting nearer & nearer to me till i can hear his breathing sound! Suddenly he put his arm over my body!!! I was like...WTF?!!!!!....I told to myself, be patient....This PIGGY is asleep and maybe treat me as his pillow/bolster only. But NOOOOOOOOO.......This PIGGY went further and slipped his another arm under my body & i was helplessly & totally hugged by him! -- At this point of time, i knew he was DIFFERENT.

Wow, this pic reli explained EXACTLY the pose that we were in when the Horny BF hugged me!

So, being HAMSAP Simonlover -- I turned over ( a fact that the Horny BF kept upholding till now, that i turned over first -- because i myself can't remember lor ), looked into his face and kissed him! ---And so, We had our FIRST SEX -- and my Second time having sex nia -- the 1st time was just a few months back nia with !!!!!!

We were naked moments later.... =)

A WILD SEX that ended in the wee hours of 5am in the morning, with multiple cums & orgasms and an unforgettable, LOVE BITES on the neck -- In cantonese, "kari kai"! ( Fucking love bite, it cost me so much trouble & speculations, that i had to bluff everyone who asked me, by telling them that it was an abrasion from the result of rubbing off a stubborn temporary tattoo on my neck!!!! )

Well, it was actually just a LOVE BITE...unlike the exaggerated pic above =)

Well, that was how the Horny Simon Lover & Horny BF started this relationship. From a ONE NIGHT STAND! ( hehehe...cuz we didn't actually started immediately after that, which is to be continued yet again ) -- to a 7th Anniversary. MUACKS from SIMON LOVER.


  1. Love the story! How I wish to have someone like your horny BF :P

  2. Eh by the way, your blog got "content warning" now lol

  3. It's ending? Keep going on,Simon Lover!

  4. :)
    this is so sweet.

    thanks dear. now should I write from MY personal POV?

  5. shane: haha..the "wah" is refering to which part ah? =P

    Hide & Seek: Haha..I put the content warning myself. Don't later kena complain pulak...Haha

    Ten Chunk: Yer! How come i dun get to her Ten Chunk's sexy sexperiences leh?!

    Horny BF: U want to guest blog again? =)

    William: Haha...Have to "fight" with ur sexy love story also ma...Blek =P

  6. simonlover and the horny bF: congrats to you!!!

    7 years is a very long time.. i dont know.. my max was 4 years... and now is 2 years plus oni.. add together got 7 la.. haha..

    anyway, i m really amazed u guys lasted this long! how was the sex? :)

  7. Was it wise to fall for such a hungry vampire? Maybe you are still under his hypnotic spell. :) Were there love bites in places other than the neck? Do tell. And as for the vampire, how about sharing with us your skills in sucking? - Curious Ian

  8. Ian : clearly you're all for another juicy revelations eh?
    'love bites in other places?'

  9. Hihi! I love stories! Especially this type. Do tell more! hehe... looking forward to it.

  10. Takashi: U wanna try the sex? Tsk tsk tsk....Noti pluboy.

    Ian: Haha. WHich other parts do you think love bites might crop up leh?...Hahaha

    Bravebear: Huh? Think u'll hv to wait till i hv the inspiration again leh?...Hahaha...I'll try my best ya!

  11. i think almost all gay relationships start from sex 1 la. haha

  12. Robb: Hahaha..So, does yours too? =)

  13. Very romantic too.
    Thank you so much for sharing, Simon.

  14. Bravo to the horny bf for making the first move. Either he's very brave or he already knew you're gay then. Which one?

    Ooh, and the guy that the he likes above, the bod is very nice one le! Not skinny at all! The angle in this is not very flattering.

    And I am just like you, usually can't sleep in new environment on the first night!

    Looking forward to the know how the ONS become a relationship! =)

  15. This is the most beautiful story I have ever read. So sweet.

  16. even though ive read this post long time ago, reading it again made me jealous all over again...!


  17. Wish I have a boyfriend

  18. awwwwwwwwwwwwww

    yes u made the world a little jealous with this post XD
