

Sunday, September 20, 2009

~ A Quiet Saturday ~

Hi Hi. Today's post shall expose the quiet side of Simon Lover. I have often been perceived as a flamboyant hustler kinda a guy ( Which i'm not!!..Just so happens that i like pics of sexy guys & to a certain extent, gay porn maybe? ....Hehehe..But who doesn't?!!! -- A person who does not like gay porn is definitely NOT a GAY or even NOT a GUY at all! ).

So, this was how i spent my quiet Saturday ~

  • 9.00 am : Woke up & rush to get myself prepared --- For? --- Fetching The Mum to the wet market ( Pengsan! ) -- Yup, she usually waits for me whn i'm bk in my hometwn to fetch her to a bigger wet market located a lil' further from my neighbourhood -- Reason? -- The are so many choices / varieties available over there!!!! -- Hahaha. Typical Asian Housewife.
  • 9.30 am : Dropped The Mum at the market while i looked for parking. Bought The Star newspaper & read while waitin' for her. Initially wanted to lepak in a kopitiam, but -- must save money!!! Hehehehe
  • 10.30 am: Finally the ordeal has ended. Went back home.
  • 10.45 - 11.30 am : Had my breakfast & continue reading newspaper at home.
  • 11.30 - 2.30 pm : Busy going' thru all the old newspapers. Usually i will scout for The Star Central Metro only because it's different from my current workplace ma. -- As for the Chinese newspaper, usually i'll look for the Entertainment segment only just to "see" the latest gossips & pcitures since i do not know hw to read Chinese, hehehehe ....
  • 2.30 pm : Lunch. Why so late?! -- Cuz The Mum is notorious for her slow cooking ( she also gained the notoriety for the slowest seamstress ever live in this neighbourhood -- some of the dresses take a few years to complete, if it's not urgent, yet people are still coming to her....** pengsan ( faint! in Malay ) -- The Mum was busy cooking "yong tau foo" ( a chinese soup dish stuffed with fish meat paste )
  • 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm: Cuz The Father have a wedding dinner at 7pm & due to The Mum's late lunch, the short period of time made it "too hanging" for us to go shopping at all. -- So, i lied on my bed, switch on my laptop & indulge myself with the collections of mp3 & short videos... Hahahaha...Not porn ok.... -- Slowly, the lazy afternoon has exude it's prowess where no man can ever resist -- AFTERNOON NAP!!! -- Hehehehe
  • 6.00 pm : Woke up, watch a lil' TV & get myself prepared again to fetch The Father to the wedding dinner.
  • 7.00 pm : Left the house -- Caught in a horrible jam -- Well, most of the people who has nothing better to do drove in hordes since it's dinner time ma.
  • 7.30 pm : Dropped The Father -- Continue driving aimlessly while thinking of what to eat for dinner with The Mum -- Luckily, a place came up just in the nick of time before i make the nex turning. -- so what was it? -- The Famous "Mi Hun Kuih" ( a chinese egg noodle soup aka Pan Mee )
  • 8.00 pm - 10.00 pm: Again - Driving aimlessly, finally we drop by at Parkson / Parade since it's on the way -- Well, this shopping centre of mine is nothing to brag about since it's not a major one -- more of a La-La kinda shopping centre catering the people of the surrounding neighbourhood. -- Parkson, Guardian, Giant ( yes, i hv a fetish with groceries / supermarket !!! Hehehe -- Guess The Mum is really my biologically Mum lor...)\
  • 10.30 pm: Back home. Bath etc etc etc..And here i am now...Blogging ......

Hahahahahaha...Where is Melaka's Famous Satay Celup/Hainan Chicken Rice Balls? -- Or Ipoh's Nasi Ayam Taugeh -- Or -- Seremban's Siew Pau-s --- Or Uncle Lim's Genting adventures?!!!! -- Hahahahaha -- Guess there won't be any of it for this few days cuz my relatives is coming down to my home tomorrow. Haik -- Have to layan them.

Well, guess i should spend my holidays quietly. I do need some rest too.

To all the Muslim readers out there, SELAMAT HARI RAYA from SIMON LOVER! Muacks and have a wonderful celebration + SAFE JOURNEY!


  1. Consider yourself lucky, I send my mum to the wet market at 7:30am every Saturday... and she insists on going to two markets!

    Have a nice holiday!

  2. William: Hahahaha..Wah..Guess i shouldn't complaint much eh?! =P

  3. I'll appreciate a photo of yourself :)

  4. hmm ... fruitful day eh?
    compared to mine, yours sound so much better.

  5. I sit here waiting for the smoker's ash to fall and set his thatch on fire and wish I was there to blow it out - sorry, I mean put it out. - Ian

  6. Takashi: Hahahaha.Tot u hv seen my pic b4 in somewhr? =)

    Horny BF: Sigh, ours is same situation ler. Die Die at home =(

    Ian: Oops. The phrase is a lil' bit too deep for me to understand. Nvrtheless, i wouldn't mind helping you to blow it out too....Yeah, baby! =)

  7. Talking about naps, I desperately need one right now :) Tough walking during the Raya period.

  8. that's you?? what a lovely butt!!.....ehehhehee......

  9. no wor.. where have i seen your pic before?

  10. Savante: Oops. I forgot someone has to work during Raya!Paiseh paiseh. Hope u'll have a fantastic rest aft tis k! Muacks Muacks Fr Simon !

    Paul J: Hahahaha. I also wished i have that butt & bod leh?!!!! Can u help me? =)

    Takashi: Yer..."No heart" ler u...
