

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Guy Gone Crazy!

Firstly, i would like to apologize for not updating my post for nearly a week! -- Sigh. My Wireless company had some problem with the transmission tower and today it's the 6th day already!!!! -- Sigh. And many of the websites ( including online newspapers!!! ) are blocked by my company's internet line! -- And so, i had to succumb to the ever reliable-but slow, dial-up connection at the moment. So, don't ask me why i didn't post any pictures tis time. It takes ages for me to upload the pics using a dial-up!!! Malaysia Boleh!

So, just a simple post today. I just wanna nag about a friend of mine -- well, sorta...We were in the same class from Form 1 - 3. Back in Form 1, whn we were 13 years old then -- He was quite well-built as he was a member of our school's sprint team. This also indirectly means that he was one of the earliest among us boys to -- well, reached puberty. Hehehehehe.....He was bigger size than me of cuz. I was just a scrawny lil' twink back then who still wears a sexy green shorts compared to the conventional uniform with long pants. He was also a handsome young 13 yo hunk with lots of gals eyeing on him too. He's also infamous for his dirty jokes, advances till he was nicknamed by evyone as "Hamsap-**** ( censored just to protect his identity )
Haha..The pic might come abit late...Bt finally i found 1 sexy pic of a track&field sports guy! =P

With me exposing my sexy legs in my sexy shorts, of course i was easily the target of molestation by my fellow classmates and he was one of them too =). Boys being boys, teasing is a part of a daily routine life in our class -- Albeit, minus the Western Schooling Lifestyle of cuz -- Images of boys being stripped, showered together, comparing dicks & comparing who can jerk-off fastest or shoots furthest is definitely non-existent in Malaysia ( or it does exist in Msia bt i didn't know about it leh? =P )

He used to hug me from behind and pushed me to sit on his lap ( hehehehe -- but his thighs was too big for me to feel his crotch though =P ). Sometimes he'll carry me on his back ( not only me, anyone he can find to be susceptible with ) while i'll try to bend my butt away from his back abit because the purpose of him doin' that is to try to feel hw big is my bulge ma & he'll go around tellin' ppl if one's bulge is big or not....Pervert hor?

Bt not as pervert as his love of grabbing or touching anyone's crotch when he feels like it. Of cuz he has touched mine many times & i always touched him back too...Bt it was just merely touching...Not grabbing. The closest time that i get to grab & enjoyed it slowly was back in Form 2 ( 14 yo ), when he suddenly grabbed my palm towards his crotch. Because it happened during class with my other classmates around me, i was very reluctant to grab his crotch for fear of people thinkin' i was a fucking queer ( yes, i already knew i was queer back then) ! -- And i resisted only to see that another classmate of mine that he caught, completely enjoyed the moment of grabbing & squeezing his crotch for nearly 1 minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- That was one of my biggest regrets of all-time --Seriously -- Hahahaha -- Well, it was a big thing for me as a 14 years old ma though it doesn't sound pornographic at all .... HAHAHAHAHAHA

Then in Form 3 ( 15 yo ), he developed a habit of unzipping his pants to show off his branded undies to us. Calvin Klein, Valentino, Boss -- He was a rich kid ma -- Sometimes, when he's doing revision/self-studying during free time in class, he usually does it by standing up with his pants unzipped ( don't ask me why likes to do that cz i also dunno why )...So, sometimes his pants will fall to his tights & i get to see his cute bulge =P. Sometimes, my other cheeky classmates will pull his pants or grab his crotch behind while i was enjoying the commotion ( of cuz whn someone does that to you, u'll naturally response back by revenging his actions ma ).

He left us after Form 3 after getting an ASEAN scholarship to study in Singapore & we had not heard about him since then until half-a-year ago ( which is nearly 12 years d! ). He got my handphone number when he went to my hometown's house. I was shocked when he called me & promised to have a drink whn i'm back home. So, not long later, i was back in my hometown & he rang me up again. Hehehehehe...I was quite happy to meet him actually...Imaginations of me flirting a thing-or-two, hoping to lead into something "deeper"( Hahahahaha...sorry ah Horny BF, u know me too well k ) was playing in my mind, finally getting a chance to re-kindle my cheeky-teasing adventures with that lengchai! =P

And so, one fine day, dressing in my best, we met at McDonalds. While i was waiting at the front entrance, i noticed a weirdo walkin' on-&-off nearby & to my horror, he came up to me & say, Hi, Simon Lover! ( of cuz, nt my real name ) ... Long time no see .... Hahahahahahahahahaha...My fantasy of having sex with that lengchai totally evaporated at that instance!!!!!!!!!

From a totally hunky lengchai back then, he was transformed into a total weirdo which is definitely out-of-anyone's imagination / expectations at all!!!!!!!!!! He's the same age with me but he's balding on his crown. Not that i mind bald people, bt he was balding with a few strand of uncombed hair covering his crown, complete with unshaved moustache & beard & was wearing an apek-style working shirt & long-pleated slack ( unlike the G2000 slim fit shirt & flat front low-rise slacks =P ) and...and...and...he was shorter than me!!!!! Guess that is the drawback of reaching puberty early because back thn, he was taller & hunkier than most people at that age.

So, we moved to Old-Town White Coffee for some coffee. And we chatted for nearly 4 hours. Most of our conversation involves him talking the most and it centred mostly on our life back in our secondary school days. He kept mentioning...How nice if i had...How i wished if i had....I should have....Clearly indicating that he doesn't like his Singapore & Australia schooling days at all & trying to turn back the clock , wishing that he had studied in Malaysia instead. Kiasuism, Stress & the Pressure of excelling in the competitive world of Singapore Education ( sorry guys, i don't mean to criticize Sg at all, k. Cheers? ) has definitely taken a toll on him all these years.

From a hunky, sporting, brash, out-going lengchai -- He has turned into a balding, unkempt, weird guy. Why i say he was weird? -- Because, everytime any person walked past behind him, some of them might accidentally touched his back ma ( Old-Town is abit cramped ) & he'll stare at the person and complain to me, saying that person is trying to molest him...Duh....He kept sayin' that d gal in that table keep lookin' at him, or that gal dresses like a slut. or that guy looks like a perverted gay & keep tellin' me don't trust pretty & sexy gals. And thruout the 4 hour, he kept goin' to the washroom & smoked. For that, he already smoked two-boxes of 20-sticks!!!! He said smoking helped him to keep his mind at peace. The reason he gave why he dresses so shabbily is to avoid people from getting attracted to him & thus, might molest or take advantage of him. He's still a rich kid who is helpin' out his father's business but i can sense that he's nt in good terms with them especially his mum whr he blames most for sending him to Singapore.

Of late, he had been callin' & sms'in me asking to borrow some money to help support his living expenses as he's not workin' with his father anymore & he can't seem to find a job at all. He has been also goin' around asking my fellow old classmates back in my hometown too. In conclusion. we hypothetically summarize that this guy, definitely has a slight mental problem d and i also warned my parents, not to open the gates if he ever come to my hometown house lor. Of course, being a courteous me, i have managed to decline his requests politely with lengthy reasonings & advices. He does not pushed me further each time after that. I'm not that kinda a guy who does not help a friend in need, but his words are too hard to believe! I have not met or talked to him for the last 12 years d & suddenly he popped up in my life, tellin' me stories abt his condition & chatted for 4 hours whereby back then, i only chatted with him occasionally; searchin back all our old classmates....Hmmm....I even suggested for him to visit a shrink ( psychiatrist ) bt he claims that he's not sick at all.

Well, the point of this post is actually -- I felt very pitiful of this guy of mine. Really really sad for him. An out-going, hunky guy with a bright future has turned into a slight mental-case guy probably due to relationship failure; study stress & pressures; loneliness ( he claims he doesn't have any true friends bk in Sg ); family-problems; unable to accept that nerds like me has become taller & handsom'er than him, self-inflicted degradation of his own self-esteem, so on & so forth. I have always read of cases like this but i didn't expect it to happen to me too....All i can hope for is that someday, he'll get well & return back to normal & back to be a hunky lengchai as ever. Pray hard....

Thanks for listening. Muacks Fr Simon Lover!


  1. That sounds quite bad and pathetic... *Sigh*, but what to do? C'est la vie. Whatever can happen on this earth. Wish him well.

    BTW, seem like you proclaim yourself as quite a hot guy wor. :p Hohoho~

  2. Freedom: Hahahaha...I'm just your average guy-nxt-door only ler...Hahaha..Was just exaggerating as "sexy legs" considering that i showed the most skin among my classmates ma..Hahahaha

  3. feel very sad of ur fren...what is actually happen to him ha?...his like having trauma....

    omg...this is!

    if you have the time do help him..he really need help!

  4. Looks like he has gone through a sad period for the 12 years you have not seen or heard from him. But still, you have to be careful and take care for you never know what has changed him and what kind of person he is now.

  5. I'm the one worrying the most, I guess.
    yeah, i DO know you too well, dear. ;)
    its sad to see such a dream guy of yours, a jock/hunl/stud if you would, turned into ...
    a loser who had to beg around for $.

    something went wrong somewher .... let's hope he recovers in time, and regain his hair. i meant, flair. =P

  6. I have friends like that too.. i mean during school days..

    And........ well :) what happened in school stay in school....

  7. People change. And when you have not met for THAT long, there's nothing much to connect except for the past. I'm sure lotsa skanky things happen at hostels. :P

  8. So many guys say they are the guy next door. Where is this next door and how can I move there? - Ian

  9. Hafiz: Hm. The help i'll leave it to my old classmates bk in hometown cz i'm working somehwr far far away fr my hometown =P

    Calvin : True. He's known as one of the most kiasu person bk then. Aft 12yrs of nt knowing him at all, hmm..hard to gauge a friendship at all...

    Horny BF: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe....Lucky u r nt balding!!!! =P..No bad meaning intended to the others...

  10. Takashi: Yalor..Bk in the school days i was too timid to indulge further in any queer activities...Sigh. Anytg queer related i would try to disassociate fr it for the fear of being stigmatize...Hahahahahaha

    William: Hahahahaha...Hw i also wished i stayed in a hostel whr we can shower together!!!! Hahahaha...Bt wasted it is limited im my classroom only ler...

    Ian: Hahahaha, Ian...I'm sure most people would like to live right next to you too =).. Just that u r being humble =)

  11. Have you ever consider what would happen if he didn't go Singapore that time??

    Staying in Malaysia, inviting you over to his house to stay over... Just you and him in a room... Then.....~~

  12. Jerry: Then i will kena raped lor...It's just the matter of willingly or unwillingly...Hahahaha..Bt of cuz if he's not straight ler

  13. Bk in school time,Athletes is the most popular team and all of the so loud and naughty. The i meet thos guy call Kevin. so sweet,polite and romantic guy but that when he not with the other athletes.. He like to share his story and feeling to me and always ask me if i was a girl,what will he do to make me like i tell him what i know and what mr Google tell me.hehhe.then,he always practise that with me by giving this reason- so next time it will be perfect when he propose someone..and i help him as his friend,classmate and roommate as well.but one saturday night,he brought some beer and liquer from his house(that morning he went home to take his clean cloth and leave his dirty cloth*with my cloth also* so that his mom will wash it for us ;) -and we drink it until we drunk-with the door lock (i didnt know kevin lock the door) im so drunk and feel tired+sleepy, so i turn off the light. Kevin feel so heavy and no strenght to climb up to his bed- double deck bed, i let him sleep on my bed and going to cover him with his blanket. While im cover him,his eyes suddenly open and hug me with one kiss. I was shock and cannot move(he alwasy hug me before but not with that feeling) btw,i like him since i walk into our school and luckly i was his roommate.hehehe..that night he do all the tips that i teach him how to propose *Girl* on me.what!!!! In my mind-what?why didnt you say it before? Need to wait we both drunk ha?but i like it.heheh..and that was my first night with him,until both of us need to leave the school,continue study in different major- and tge sad news we both lost contact. Now, when i on my bed after a huge party-clubbing and drunk,i realize that i miss him and hope to meet him again.(7 years didnt get him until now) sobsob - Alex
