

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Molested By A "Gor-Gor"

Hey hey...Hmm..It seems that everyone is getting personal nowadays eh....Shall i go with the flow too?...Yup, ur guess is as good as mine!!! =)

Let me bring you guys back when i was in Primary Four ( 10 years old )...It was a cooling Saturday morning, where i arrived in my school ~ 7 am for my POL ( Pupil's Own Language - aka Mandarin classes ) -- ( Yes, it was back in those days where i was still a very very punctual person indeed where the class was supposed to start at 8am )...Well, actually my main purpose of arriving early is to play with my frens though =)...

So, there was 1 guy ( The Gor-Gor -- Big Brother in Chinese ) who's in my secondary school, always caught "lepaking" in my primary school every Saturday morning....While we were waiting for our frens to arrive, the guy always mingle with us and i got to know him through a friend of mine...Well, no harm for a 10yo boy chatting with a secondary "gor-gor" right?....He will just hug, tease, tickle us, just like what we'll do with our cute 10yo cousin/boy relative...And this had been going on for some time d...

And so, one fine day...This "gor-gor" held my hand....And i just followed him as he held it quite tight lor....and he walk quite swiftly to which, my cute little short legs was trying to cope with the "gor-gor's" a corner of our school, the none-other-than the place called "The Toilet"....Jeng Jeng Jeng.....

We did not enter the toilet..But instead, he took me to the back of the toilet building & there we were, standing on top of the "hmm...i can't find the right word for the place lar -- the place where the human faeces is kept when we flushed our toilet? --sewer?--hmmm ).....

And so, as the blur-blur 10yo xiao-didi ....All i can remember is that this "gor-gor" kept turning me, turning me, turning me around ( HAHAHAHAHA...does it sounds like a lyric to a very famous song back in 1996? ).....( edited: We were both standing, he was hugging me, Humping me against his body & turned my body around occasionally....)...And my height was like, ngam-ngam touching his navel ( hahaha...hey, the "gor-gor" is very tall, ok )....Really, i can't remember what he did besides that...Was he trying to use me as a stimulator while he was masturbating? The flashing images of his erect "kuku" ( penis ) sticking out or not-sticking out, is vaguely played in my 4GB brain memory lor....

But what i know is that, after that, i went back home and just non-chalantly told my parents about it ( well, what a 10 yo boy know wor...) ...And i can still rmbr that my parents was practically interrogating me detail-after-detail of what exactly happened and i answered..Well...He was just "turning me-turning me-turning me around" lor....

Hahahahaha...So, the next week, i didn't knew they informed the incident to my school's "Penyelia Petang" ( Afternoon Supervisor ) -- when he came over to my class & called me out ( he was a very-very strict guy whr all the students are very scared of )...But he was nice to me, and again, i have to explain what he did to me...TURNING AROUND...He brought me over to my secondary school, which is just beside my primary school and there we were, going class-after-class -- trying to identify the culprit "gor-gor"...It was an afternoon session, so, there were only Secondary 1 & 2 students.....Imagine how paiseh i was, with all the boys in the room looking at me, puzzled with why this skinny lil'cute boy standing in front of the classroom for....And we didn't manage to identify him..Meaning, he must be from the Morning session, Sec 3,4,5 student lor. But b'cuz of the morning-afternoon session is of different management team, i did not go to the morning classes to identify the gor-gor lor ( Hahahaha...Malaysian Government ma..who wants to work extra-time without any pay leh? -- refering to the Afternoon Supervisor )

Well, i think that "gor-gor" got some news about it....As he did not appear in the following few Saturdays as my Afternoon Supervisor was practically reading to pounce on him if he appeared...But as weeks goes by, with him not appearing anytime soon, my "case" was slowly closed with no-further-action taken lor...

But after that, he still appeared on Saturdays occasionally...I looked at him..He looked at me...Other gullible, naive boys still play with him...I don't know whether he did something to the boys or not...But, i just be careful & stayed away from him lor....

So, the guy was still "cruising", i think, till another year before he graduated Form 5 kot...After that, i have not seen him again till i was in my secondary school, and there he was again. cruising around my school's vicinity, ever looking for a good-catch...And till now, YES, till now, i still see him once in awhile roaming around my school vicinity ( cuz i need to pass my school my way back to my house ma )....

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha....But 1 thing i did not mentioned to u guys about that "GOR-GOR" , was he "Lengchai" ( Handsome ) Or "Not-Lengchai" ( Not-Handsome ) leh?. ......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....SO, if u guys dun mind...Please Participate In My Poll at my sidebar and i shall tell u the answer in a few days time k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehehehehe....MUACKS from SIMON! Thanks for reading my wuliao rantings... =)


  1. What stimulation could he get by turning you around? *scratches both heads*

  2. Gratitude: Oops! I already add the edited version..Hahaha..He was humping me as well & turned my body to the front & back while hugging me lor

  3. Hmm, I really can't imagine those movements...
    Turning you around, at the same time humping you, at the same time touching his own dick??

    I don't think that's molesting la, he didn't touch ur ding-dong or something also.... He's trying to please his own desire gua...

  4. poor little simon..@.@

    so wat did u think n feel bout tat incident if u think back now?

  5. Jerry: Haha..Well,i think he didn't touched my thingy though..Haha..Then i shud change my title instead of molest? Haha....Hmm..Just imagine i'm the inflated-sex-doll-thingy lor...

    Sen: Hahaha..Reli, evn back then...I did not freak out at all..Very cool & non-chalant considering my age then..Hahahahaha.....But, trust me, tis incident that not have any traumatic psychological effect on me at all..Just felt like a funny story only.. =P

  6. :O

    Paedophile! :(
    How revolting. I'm displeased that the school authorities didn't deal with the harassment well.

  7. I think he gets stimulated by looking at your cute little butt and your didi. That's why he turns you around several times because he wants to see both sides till he shoot out. Hehehe...

  8. Evann: Ooo..Paedophile..Forgot abt the word!@ Hahaha..Reli look down on paedophiles! =)

    Calvin: Hahaha...But i think those "features" have not matured sexily back then ler...I duno why he was so interested in also...
