

Monday, August 24, 2009

DJ Station -- Bangkok's #1 PLU Disco!

Oops! It has been a month since i came back from Bangkok and this is only my 2nd post on my wonderful BKK trip. However, bear in mind that i didn't really explore many gay places due to time- & also "straight-friends" constraints ( I basically have to sneaked out during the nite just to go to these places! And luckily i went with a bunch of gals who are infamous for their super-long facial therapy in their room after a tiring day out!....Sigh...Sad case hor? )...

DJ Station -- Bangkok premier gay disco..
So, me & my Horny BF took a taxi ( we realize that taking taxi is quite cheap in Bangkok. For a 10km ride, it cost just about 70-90 Baht only ( RM 7-9 ) if we used Meter!!!! Though it takes abt 10-20 mins lar, cuz BKK is also infamous for their horrible jam ma ). And now i realize why most taxis are so happy & willing to fetch us when we offer abt 200B, without meter of cuz, because we always thought meter is always more expensive that direct-negotiation! ( This is definitely true in the Boleh-Land of Kuala Lumpur!!!! ) So, guys, remember...If u wanna go anywhere in Bangkok, it is always better to ask your taxi-guy to use the meter instead ya!

The colorful Toyota Vios Taxis of BKK

We reach DJ Station at Silom about 10.30pm, Bangkok's most popular Gay Disco. And to our surprise, there were barely a few patrons waiting outside DJ Station's entrance because they are not open yet!!!!! Luckily there were a few chairs to sit on and we waited till it was nearly 11 pm d and yet the crowd seems to be..well, countable?!!!! We were wondering whether we should proceed entering or not since the crowd was really a disappointment at that time! Well, finally the two-Hong Kong couple sat nearby us when in..and we just follow suit lor. The is entrance fee200Baht / pax + 1 free drink ( any drink ).

Hahahahahahahaha...I have never been to a disco which is So-So Empty in my life before!!! We basically have the whole disco for ourselves with only few patrons!!!! DJ Station is 3-storey high but the dancefloor is not that large though. So we waited..waited & waited & waited till it's already about 11.30pm and the crowd is still...COUNTABLE!!!!!!!!!!..( Haik..I've arrived since 10.30 pm jor lor...) And then only we get to see the crowd sprinkling in about 11.45 midnight!!!! And suddenly & suddenly & suddenly...In 10 minutes, DJ Station is packed like a sardine-can!!! --Really, i'm not jokin'!!! ( There are some theories that could support the sudden surge in crowd -- The guys just came out from the nearby Ago-go Shows where the shows just ended -- The guys came after a nite out in the pub/restaurant/shopppin' -- Or they basically knew the show will begun at 12 midnight, which is true...Exactly 12midnight -- DJ Station finally came to life but, with a series of "ah-kwa" ( Transvestite ) shows again...

The entertaining 30mins of transvestite shows....

Hahahahahaha...I dunno why, any shows in Thailand must begin with ah-kwa shows hor. But i must admit that this ah-kwa show is much more entertaining than the horrible show put up by DreamBoys. And, after about 30minutes of entertaining ah-kwa shows, the lights finally dimmed and DJ Station is turned into a giant discoball arena. ( 12.30 pm d! )

The upper floors...

Of cuz they played the latest music and all but we find the music & rythmn a bit boring & bland. It was like, so monotonous thruout the entire session and not many danceable dance anthems. Really a disappoitment compared to KL. As for the crowd, it's a mixture of 20% Asians, 50% Thais & 30% Caucasions and of course, they are many eye-candies as well with the patrons donnin' their tightest, gayest attire ever! However, i expected the crowd to dance more sexily compared to our KL counterparts. But, again, was slightly disappointed because there weren't many "daring" dancers that nite that were "Man" enough to strip their shirts off. Most of them decided to keep their clothes on. =(

How i wish DJ Station was full of half-naked men that nite =(

And so, we dance our Nite away till it's about 2 am. But i felt really bad for my Horny BF because i'm not actually a very good dancer...Actually, i sucks in dancing compared to my Beyonce'licious Horny BF...Hahahahaha...Again, so so sorry to the Horny BF for makin' him danced like a lone-ranger, though i'm beside him, which i think, makes no difference at all... =(

One good thing about entertainment outlets in Thailand is that SMOKING is banned. So, u can imagine how wonderful to dance without choking for air or even smells after u leave the place?....

But, one bad thing about DJ Station is that, the place is too small and the crowd was really jam-packed to the max!!!! We can barely even move at all. And imagine the washroom is actually on the FUCKING 3rd Floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A journey to the toilet itself takes about 15-20 mins fr the groundfloor after squeezing thru a bunch of uncompromising crowd. If there were any untowards incidents happened over there, i tell you..The whole crowd in the 2nd & 3rd floor will definitely be a goner! =(

Hahahaha....And so, that is just a lil' bit of my rantings on DJ Station. And to the WWE's John Cena lookalike Caucasian who was dancing behind me abt 30% of the Nite, don't think i dun know it's you who pinched my butt a few times that day!!!! You were lucky i did not reciprocate...Hahahaha..Though u are big-sized, but remember...ur eye-level crotch is easily
"reached" by me but yet, i decided to be polite k!!!!

John Cena!

Cheers from Simon....A snippet of what's to come in my next post in conjuction of my Thai trip =)....

I'm sure some of you knows who he is... =)


  1. u shud have ask me to join! LOL

  2. Dancing's not my forte too. No rhythm. LOL. But a few drinks help. Sounds like a big fire hazard!

  3. Haha I'm laughing at myself now cuz I was slouching on my chair. Then when I saw that pic of all the shirtless guys, I suddenly sat up-right. Oh gosh~ *blush*

  4. Sen: Haha.That time u duno who i am ma..I was basically tryin' to say hi whn u were wipin' ur sweat in Wat Pho by hoping the reflection from ur mini-mirror might have shown a lil' bit of me in it lor..Hahahahahahaha =)

  5. William: Hahaha, if u drink more, then u ma lagi prone to "strip" dancing? Hehehehehehehehe.....

    Evann: Got nice shirtless pics meh? Dun tell me it's John Cena?!!! Oooh...Someone's into muscled-type! LOL

  6. ohhh there WAS someone pinching ur butt eh? no wonder you did not wanna dance with me.


  7. entrance fees still 200B? i heard they have increased the price.

    well, it's better you go after 12am next time. more leng chai to peep at LOL

  8. Horny BF: Please lar..John Cena lookalike - U shud know my type ler...Hahahahahahahahaha

  9. Willy: Haha..How i know leh? If nt, i cud have use the time to explore the surrounding areas ler...Still 200B

  10. mirror?i dun think i gt mirror wit me tat time LOL..straightly say hi to me ma..hehe..

  11. ...Some wrong info. DJ's show always starts a minute or two after 11:30pm. Next, on weekends it is 2 drinks (not watered down either) for 200 baht. During the week, it is 1 drink for the 100baht entrance. Extra info: Around 2pm, wander down to soi 2.5 and go to G.O.D. -If you're in shape, it is the place to meet other beef cakes. (Depending on the police) it will stay open until 5AM. Music is great there.
