

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Why Must A Lengchai Be So Cocky Leh?!

Hey hey...Why a funnily titled post for today? I was browsing thru "Trevvy" website and came across this lengchai's pic on Hotbods...And from the comments posted, there is one obscene comment that ignited my curiosity button lor...So i googled out and to my horror...How Can A Lengchai Like Him Exist In The World?!!!!

His alter ego is nicely named "The Sexy Fragrance Prince" from Singapore. I must apologize to my fellow Singaporean readers because i know, this is "SO" last year punya news...circa May 2008 kot...I knew there are stories of bloggers kena arrested in Singapore for racist remarks but i didn't knew it was a lengchai ma....

He's a 24 year old guy who dreams to make it to the catwalks in Paris especially modeling for Dolce & Gabbana and doesn't feel ashamed of his good looks. He has the looks, he has the money, he has the chicks or "ducks"?, he has the popularity of his blog, wat else does he want more? More Publicity? And yes, he succeeded very well on that....

And this is how he achieved his notoriety....He wrote on his blog...With a picture of a Malay Man sittin' on the flor of MRT Train...

See, to matter how highly Singapore sits on the map there is still the part we cant erase... and thats the heartlanders and those gross out people in society... why cant we be like Milan where everyone is so well dressed and well-mannered??

We shall not even touch on politics on Mas Salamat, which of course... if you have realised, i didnt bother talking about it, coz there are many other bloggers conversing on that. So so so... what is this pathetic malay man (again, it have to be a MALAY!!!!) doing in the train?

Well, he was already in the train when i boarded and there he sat, unaffected b
y his surroundings, smelling like he didnt showered in years and wore some really scary dirty clothes and had a dirty muddy bag with him too, in it were empty bottles which looks used... to many, he may seem a poor man or a beggar.. but... to me.. he's wasted !! I mean... wassup with all the pretentious looks and actions for man....go get a job or better yet, make himself useful and learn how to start a fire using charcoal.. as it all lies in their blood.... SATAY SATAY!!!!

Aiya....stupid MALAYS!!

Even if you are a Malay and am reading this... good for you..coz this is my personal blog and i can say what i deem fit.... if u wana defend yourself.... i suggest you arm youself with education and a motor mo
uth to compete against me.. else dont bother... coz i will bet my life on the line that, should you challenge me in a conversation... you will lose like what a true malay would.... LIKE FUCK!!! - GET LOST!

I nearly fainted whn i read it and it came from a lengchai's mouth....Why oh Why....

The last i heard he was arrested by the Singapore police but further action on his unbecomings were not reported....Wonder how is he then & now....

IMHO, i think he got arrested mainly not because of his racism remarks, bt more towards of his arrogance & cockiness. Well, he did release an apology statement that goes like....

"Sincere Apologies
Dear Readers,
I would like to express my sincere apologies for any misinterpretation to my blog entry.
I regret having mentioned this entry in my blog which I didn’t expect it to turn out to be like this, I should have been more mindful.
Once again, I am sincerely apologetic for the recent events that had happen.
Your’s sincerely,
Sigh...I duno what to comment d....Call him naive or call him blur or we can say that he didn't really mean it...But damage had been done. But i think, for him, i think life goes on even after his arrest and i think, he's still the Sexy Fragrance Prince that he is then and still is now kot.... =).

All i wanna say is that, actually, i'm an ardent supporter of 1 Malaysia..Hehehe..Our PM's slogan ( though we all know it is a dream that will remain a dream forever..well, it's better to have a Dream than none rite....)... Living in a society with different races, u shud learn how to live harmoniously with them...Like what Fragrance Prince dream of goin' to Paris, how sure is he that the French will like him? The French may think who's this pariah guy from a pariah country too!!! There are French who are racist too!!!

I have frens of many races. My colleagues are mostly Malays at the moment, i have close Indians frens since primary school till now. I have Bumi frens too...I know all of us have a tendency to hate ppl of other races, but in reality, let's say whn we meet a Malay guy selling handphone, we won't go up there & say ..Stupid Malay pukima...But instead, we usually see that guy as just a normal guy who is tryin' to sell a handphone to us only ma...( well, that is how i think lar, i'm nt sure about the others..)...And also, i like Malay Gals...I find them to be more friendly and easier to tease compared to Chinese gals...If i were to strike a conversation with a Chinese gal, she'll definitely give me a killer look as if like i'm a rapist!!! ...compared to Malay gals they might even ejek u balik ( harmless ejek'ing lar, example salesgirls )

The Sexy Fragrance Prince!...No doubt Sexy alrite'!!!

Oh well...Maybe it's only me who thinks that way?...To sum it up, no matter how much u dun like a person of a different ethnic, they may not like us either...We live in a society where we cant avoid mixing or even seeing any one of them everyday in our life. Racism will forever exist in our country. If we dun like, we should vote in every General Elections lor...I voted bt have u voted?!!! =P....Hehe...'s gettin' late.... i also dunno what i'm talkin' crap here d...Again...
hmmm.... =P
( p/s: i only support the slogan, about the political party...hehehe..wat say u leh?)


  1. hmmm this racist issues are too wide to be discuss, its not easy for everyone of us. from my point of view to be 1 Malaysian we all should have 1 language, cause for me communication is the main issues between us here in m'sia...we have Malay, Chinese , Indian and etc... or we should learn others languages start from the primary school so that when a Chinese speak mandarin the Malay and the others would understand him not like currentwent you are working in chinese firm where the majority are chinese they tense to speak in mandarin or hoikian or etc and the result is the other races in the office cant understand and even communicate well to the other and there you go the racis issues..! thats only on part of this..i think everyone should do their part..respect is the main agenda...(thats only from my pint of view, correct me if im wrong)
    btw nice blog...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. One thing for sure, he's has the looks...but to model in Milan..not a chance laa...c'mon..Asian looks like him don't stand a chance to even step on the Milan runway much less gonna be allowed into the dressing room for 5 seconds...If he self proclaimed himself as sexy..believe me there's even more sexy and more worthy guys for the Milan runway than him. He's the low life actually...No respect for him what so ever....But I know tht there's only one way to shut his mouth or tho turh his mindset around, He's PLU alright(and he's being bitchy at the same time), so, he should be Fuc*ed by some gorgeous malay guys...then he'll tone down his outspoken mind for sure...

  4. Well, karma hits back very fast nowadays ...... idiots get their dues paid back.

    Milan? East Coast Rd. toilets can lah!

  5. He is hawt though, I'd give you that.

    Race issue leh, too long winded to discuss.

  6. 1Malaysia? Lotsa hype. No substance.

  7. To Everyone : Sorry for the late reply! Well, hopefully the guy learned his lesson "well"? lor....All i can say, we just live our life happily is the best we can do for Malaysia... =P...cheh wa...

  8. erm sorry but i dont find him hot... looks ok... i think you look better la =)

    personality killed him

  9. Well...success model must have extravaganza look and good ATTITUDE!..may be he think he's hot but he just so so to me..just a boy that have a big dream with a bad attitude!..You will get respect from others if you respect others..I'm Malay and My partner is chinese and we stay together for 5 years..and no racism between us..I will respect his culture and religion and vice versa...For me...if the fuc>>>r face is the most gorgeous man in the world pun tapi have attitude problem and always look down to other people..he will not go anywhere!! Not you will judge people..God is!!!(unless he is free thinker) realistic!

  10. "I nearly fainted whn i read it and..."
    - i almost laugh at ur remark here. its funny to me.

    me myself almost fainted lor..

    i think its good to have this kind of thinking that we want to be as well mannered and well dressed as the western or as the europe people (well, we have to admit that they r well mannered and nicely dress ) but to be racist no la.

    minus the racist and cocky part, i believe everyone would have agree with him. =)
