

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sweet Memories -- Sister Act 1

There i was...Sittin' beside my window..Looking at the cars driving past by...Thinking of what shall i blog today...As i'm not living my life as flamboyantly as what i've always dreamed of, where i would have no problem finding stories to share ( =P )...!

Yes, i was half-naked at that time..thinkin' & thinkin' & thinkin' abt sex?..Hehe

And there i was again...typing halfway for my newest post where suddenly i had a mental blockage...So, i went to the livin' room, hoping to catch anything interesting on TV...And surprisingly, it was showin' SISTER ACT 1 The Movie!!!...( aiseh, i managed to watch the 2nd half only )...

Sister Act 1 brings back alot of memories to me...I remember first watchin' it way back in 1994 ( though the movie was released in 1992 ) whn i was still in primary school. ( hehehe...nooints in guessing my age ah! ). I purposely bring my radio closer to the TV and recorded all the songs on my cassette tape ( haha..what to do, those days cnt afford to buy cassettes ma..I rmbr it was roughly abt RM10 or less only back then )...

To me, SISTER ACT is an excellent comedy that makes you feel good and smile. A comedy doesn't need to be too over-the-top ( e.g Jim Carrey @ Stephen Chow ) to make you laugh. A comedy that makes you go "awww..." or even "eeee...." thruout the movie is memorable enough to make it in your Top 100 movies of all-time =P.

Coupled with silly & witty one-liners by the cheeky nuns and of cuz, the theatrical & charismatic Whoopi Goldberg in one of her best movie ever...It's fun to watch the movie that is accompanied with many infectious songs by them! And one of my all-time and still-is favourite song is The Sister Act's version of "I Will Follow Him"! I rmbr back in my primary school days, i used to sing this song and 1 more song called "Pretty Woman" ( i'm sure u guys out there might know the song from the movie Pretty Woman by Julia Roberts )...Hehehe. He was my best friend back then ( An Indian Boy...Yes.. U can say that i'm the ardent supporter of 1 Malaysia )...Well, i cannot imagine how silly of two twinky primary students singing this type of somngs back then... ( Ewww.....? Hehe )

How nice if movies nowadays offer a simple, carefree & "mou lei tow" -- Cantonese --type of comedies where we used to enjoy back in our childhood...Well, what i can do? I'm nt in charge of Hollywood! But Anyway, enjoy the youtube posting of the song "I Will Follow Him" ya! ( shall i dedicate this song to The Horny BF or the other way round? =P )... Muacks Fr Simon, As Always! ( p/s: Has anyone of u watched the movie before? =)


  1. Ah movies of way-back-when. I loves!

  2. Same. Half way also :(

    I love this movie.

  3. ya, the movie and the songs are wonderful.

  4. Thanks for the memories. ^_^


  5. Jeremy : Yup!..Btw, u have a sexy bod.. =P

    Queer Ranter : Missed them too...

    JL : U got watched it on tv oso meh?

    Ten Chunk & Anton : Love u guys too.. =)

  6. oh really ... and I thought my sms got you anticipating in agony for the show to start. ;)

  7. Sweetheart aka Horny BF : Aiseh, ur smses always make me happy ler..Whr gt agony!Dun think too much!
