

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Breaking the CURSE..... =P

Hey Hey...Finally break the curse of 3 posts for the Month of May compared to the past two months! Whoa, that is why we shouldn't underestimate the power of the “LAZINESS GOD”! Muahahaha...Honestly, i was actually busy “researching” for the past 1 week on what to write in my post...Very headache lar thinking of what to blog. I reli kow-tow to the bloggers outthere who frequently update theirs. So, what is the results of my 1 week research? Aiseh, basically it boils down to a few topics i wanted to post on but i couldn't find enuf material, so, in this post, i'll just blog briefly lor...

Kris Allen & Adam Lambert had definitely melted my heart ( Ironically, it was also my 1st and only time that i have watched an American Idol 2009 episode throughout the season. Kris’s singing is nice & country, however, whenever he flash the PEARLY SMILE of his, my knees go weak INSTANTANEOUSLY!..As for Adam Lambert, u make us GAYS ( is he or is he not?..) so proud of u. His on-stage charisma & performance definitely make me go MADONNA!...Hehehe...But, what to do, there can be only 1 winner. Though i love Kris’s smile, but IMHO, Adam was a better singer & performer. However, congrats to both of them anyway, especially for making this Idol 2009 an exciting finale, as compared to “Soul Patrol who?”; “The Obese Ruben” who?” and many more.

Hehehe...The second pic is kinda cheeky, don'cha think?

Famous Geminis in conjuction of my birthday has become “belated”. However, All is not lost though. If i manage to find sexy pics which i’m satisfied with ( currently i’m not, it is very difficult to find especially Google pics. I think Google has some kind of moral responsibility that they are upholding. Example, It’s harder to google pics for “Colin Farrell naked” as compared to web google, where in Google pics, they seldom show naked pics of Colin in your search results. So, sometimes i have to search 1-by-1 thru webpages which can be quite time-consuming ). Anyway, the list on Sexy Famous Geminis include Colin Farrel, Mark Wahlberg, Johnny Depp, Zachary Quinto, Allan Wu, Julian Hee, Brent Javier, Joe Cheng & many more. U tell me?! If i can get sexy pics of them which i’m satisfied, definitely it will be a salivating moment! Till then, we shall wait until June 21 before the next horoscope comes, unless...if any of my readers don’t mind sharing their collections with me? =P

Allan Wu & Brent Javier...Rape material?

Susan Boyle’s 2nd performance has come and gone by without putting me in tears compared to the 1st time i heard her . Her 1st performance has and still is, the most poignant performance that has got me in tears in front of the KFC crowd ( yup, i was wifi-ing in KFC ..) Plus, i am not known as having a HEART of STEEL for nothing...( u dun belief me? ). But, it was still a commendable performance. Even Simon Cowell gave her a rare standing ovation.

Her latest look!

Ever since subscribing to Jaring’s wifi, i have managed to download a few DVD-quality porns & gay-themed movies. Hehehe....I have watched Eternal Summer, Formula 17 & The Love Of Siam. It has been so long that i have last watched romantic-comedies that really got me addicted to it and feel very happy ( the “awww...” and the “go after him!-go after him! chants”—type of happiness with pillow covering my face & it-would-have-been-a-body-pinching-session-if-not-of-our-long-distance-relationship-with-my-boiboi _) . Eternal Summer was nice.Sexy actors...Nice acting. However, I was so disappointed with “You Are Forever My Best Friend"--ending. I didn’t expected the finale was so..... Sigh....

If just they had more of the making love scenes...

Sexy Bryant Chang who won the Best New Actor in Golden Horse Award for his performance

Sexy "Top" Joseph Chang....

The Love of Siam is another award-winning movie. The show was saved by the cute Mario Maurer ( because the English subtitle failed to function ). I can roughly guess what was happening just going with the flow...I’d always have a thingy for Thai Boys. However, there is one-thing that i can’t be stimulated is no matter how good-looking the Thai Boys is,on paper, the net or magazines; nothings beats the stimulation that u get from looking at REAL-LIFE Thai Boys in Bangkok! Everywhr u go, nearly 9 in 10 Thai boys can be RAPE-material! ( am i exaggerating?! )...hehehe...Especially those ethnic Chinese-Thais! Skinny-jeans in KL? Phhluzzee lar, Bangkok boys has been wearing it whn Malaysians are still bell-bottomin! I can’t wait to go to Bangkok again! In a few months time, it will be my 3rd Bangkok trip ( yup, the 3rd time...But i have nvr been to a gay Go-Go club before and i doubt, this time it will materialised as i’m going with a bunch of straight estrogenic species again, minus the BF of cuz ).

Sexy Mario Maurer in The Love Of Siam...

As for Formula 17, i will leave it to my future post as the time is getting late. But all i can say that it is a very feel-good romantic comedy that made me rolling over my Queen bed with joy and glees ( remember how it feels when we were young and as a kid, we will always go eee and close one eye-but still open one-eye because u wanna see & teasing your siblings---at kissing or making love scenes? Well, that is how it feels...Heartwarming romantic comedy...Hehehe....

The Sexy Tony Yang in Formula 17. Wasted he's straight. WHY oh WHY?!

Cheers & Muacks From Simon! Hope u guys enjoyed the post...
AND as for me, i will have to work harder to mend my relationship with thy loved one after a heavy argument, again, which, coincidently happened in this past 1 week....Ciao!


  1. fuiyoh super duper long post. hahaha...

  2. here's a little support from a stranger.

    and remember, don't let go of something you held onto so dearly. temptations ain't worth the tears shed.
